Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
A | B | C-D-E | F-G | I-M | O-P-R-S | T-W
Tactile: Of, pertaining to, endowed with, or affecting the sense of touch. Perceptible to the touch; capable of being touched; tangible.
Tangibles: Objects or characteristics at the site which have solid, "touchable" impact on the perceptions of the viewer, i.e., tables, chairs, tanks, liquids, trees, buildings, intense smells, noises, colors, temperatures, machinery, etc.
Topics: "Topic" is defined as "a subject of discourse or of a treatise; a theme for discussion." Closely related to "subjects," "topics" often prove to be sub-elements of one or more of the subjects already listed, and frequently are quite specific: "mass," "Catholic," "priest," "communion," and so forth. An interesting phenomenon to be here considered is that just as one of the subjects encountered may produce several topics, a topic itself may in turn be considered as a subject and produce topics of its own. This construction appears to be very hierarchical and "fractalized," with larger cognitrons being subdivided into smaller ones, which in turn can be further divided, and so on. In fact, any emanation thus "broken out," or "stage-fived" can itself often be further "stage-fived," and subdivided into its own object/attribute/subject/topic categories.
Track: To trace by means of vestiges, evidence, etc.; to follow with a line.
Vision: One of the faculties of the sensorum, connected to the visual senses out of which the brain constructs an image.
Wave: A disturbance or variation that transfers itself and energy progressively from point to point in a medium or in space in such a way that each particle or element influences the adjacent ones and that may be in the form of an elastic deformation or of a variation of level or pressure, of electric or magnetic intensity, of electric potential, or of temperature
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