Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


A | B | C-D-E | F-G | I-M | O-P-R-S | T-W


"A" Component: The "feeling/motion" component of the ideogram. The "feeling/motion" is essentially the impression of the physical consistency (hard, soft, solid, fluid, gaseous, etc.) and contour/shape/motion of the site. For example, the monitor has selected, unknown to the viewer, a mountain as the trainee's site. At the iteration of the coordinate, the trainee produces an appropriate ideogram, and responds verbally, at the same time as he writes it: "Rising up, peak, down." This is the "motion" sensation he experienced as his pen produced the ideogram. He then says "solid," having experienced the site as being solid as opposed to fluid or airy. This is the "feeling" component of the Stage 1 process. There are at least five possible types of feelings: solidity, liquidity, energetic, airiness (that is, where there is more air space than anything else, such as some suspension bridges might manifest), and temperature. Other feeling descriptors are possible, but encountered only in rare circumstances and connected with unusual sites. These components and how they are expressed in structure will be discussed more fully below. Though in discussions of theory this aspect is usually address as "feeling/motion," it will normally be the case in actual session work that the motion aspect is decoded first with the feeling portion coming second.

AOL ("Analytic Overlay"): The analytic response of the viewer's mind to signal line input. An AOL is usually wrong, especially in early stages, but often does possess valid elements of the site[5] that are contained in the signal line; hence, a light house may produce an AOL of "factory chimney" because of its tall, cylindrical shape. AOLs may be recognized in several ways. First, if there is a comparator present ("it looks like...", "it's sort of...", etc.) the information present will almost inevitably be an AOL, and should always be treated as one. Secondly, a mental image that is sharp, clear, and static--that is, there is no motion present in it, and in fact it appears virtually to be a mental photograph of the site--is also certainly AOL.
[6] Hesitation in production of the "B" component in Stage I coordinate remote viewing, or a response that is out of structure anywhere in the system[7] are also generally sure indicators that AOL is present. Finally, the monitor or viewer can frequently detect AOL by the inflection of the viewer's voice or other micro behaviors.[8] Data delivered as a question rather than a statement should be recognized as usually being AOL.
       AOLs are dealt with by declaring/objectifying them as soon as they are recognized, and writing "AOL Break" on the right side of the paper, then writing a brief description of the AOL immediately under that. This serves to acknowledge to the viewer's system that the AOL has been recognized and duly recorded and that it is not what is desired, thereby purging the system of unwanted noise and debris and allowing the signal line in its purity to be acquired and decoded properly.

    AOL Matching: With the expansion in aperture inherent in Stage III, and after appropriate AI, the AOL phenomenon develops to where a viewer's AOL may match or nearly match the actual signal line impression of the site. For example, if the site were Westminster Abbey, the viewer might produce the AOL of Notre Dame cathedral. Or he might even actually get an image of Westminster Abbey that nevertheless fills all the criteria for an AOL. According to theory, the matching AOL is superimposed over the true signal line. It is however possible with practice to distinguish the vague parameters of the true signal line "behind" the bright, distinct, but somewhat translucent image of the AOL. The viewer must become proficient at "seeing through" the AOL to the signal line. Use of "seeing through" here must not be taken to imply any visual image in the accepted sense of the word, but rather as a metaphor best describing the perceptory effect that manifests itself.

    AOL/S: Virtually synonymous with the previously considered term "AOL Matching," AOL/Signal occurs when an AOL produced by the viewer's analytic mental machinery almost exactly matches the site, and the viewer can to some extent "look" through the AOL image to perceive the actual site. The advantage of AOL/S in Stage IV is that it allows the information to be used without calling a break. One can ask, "What is this trying to tell me about the site?" As an example, the viewer may perceive the Verazzano Narrows Bridge when in fact the site is actually the George Washington Bridge.

AOL Drive: Although mentioned before, AOL Drive becomes a serious concern beginning in Stage III. It occurs when the viewer's system is caught up in an AOL to the extent that the viewer at least temporarily believes he is on the signal line, even though he is not. When two or more similar AOLs are observed in close proximity, AOL drive should be suspected. AOL drive is indicated by one or more of the following: repeating signals; signal line ending in blackness; peculiar (for that particular viewer) participation in the signal line; and/or peacocking. Causes for AOL drive include accepting a false "B" component in Stage I; or accepting a false sketch or undeclared AOL in Stage III. Undeclared AOLs can spawn AOL drive in all other stages beyond Stage III as well. Once it is realized that AOL drive is present, the viewer should take an "AOL/D Break" (as discussed under STRUCTURE), then review his data to determine at what point he accepted the AOL as legitimate data. After a sufficient break the viewer should resume the session with the data obtained before the AOL drive began. Listed below are two subspecies of AOL drive.

    Ratcheting: The recurrence of the same AOL over and over again as if trapped in a feedback loop.

    AOL "Peacocking": The rapid unfolding, one right after another, of a series of brilliant AOLs, each building from one before, analogous to the unfolding of a peacock's tail.

Aesthetic: Sensitivity of response to given site.

Aperture: An opening or open space; hole, gap, cleft, chasm, slit. In radar, the electronic gate that controls the width and dispersion pattern of the radiating signal or wave.

Attributes: An attribute is a characteristic or quality of a person or thing. "Attributes" applies to those characteristics of the site that contributed to cognitron formation and the aforementioned viewer response: "quiet," "dimly lit," "echoing," "large," etc.

Auditory: Of or pertaining to hearing, to the sense of hearing, or to the organs of hearing. Perceived through or resulting from the sense of hearing.

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©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: rv glossary a