Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


A | B | C-D-E | F-G | I-M | O-P-R-S | T-W


"B" Component: The first (spontaneous) analytic response to the ideogram and "A" component.

Breaks: The mechanism developed to allow the system to be put on "hold," providing the opportunity to flush out AOLs, deal with temporary inclemencies, or make system adjustments, allowing a fresh start with new momentum.
Break (Break): If at any point in the system the viewer must take a break that does not fit into any of the other categories, a "Break" is declared. It has been recommended that a break not be taken if the signal line is coming through strong and clear. If the break is extensive--say for twenty minutes or more, it is appropriate to objectify "Resume" and the time at the point of resumption.
           The viewer declares a break by objectifying "AOL Break," "AI Break," "Bilo Break," etc., as appropriate, usually in the right hand margin of the paper. Immediately underneath he briefly objectifies in one or a few words the cause or content of what occasioned the necessity for a break.

There are seven types of breaks:

    AOL Break: As mentioned above, allows the signal line to be put on hold while AOL is expelled from the system.

    Confusion Break (often, "Conf Bk"): When the viewer becomes confused by events in his environment or information in the signal line to the degree that impressions he is receiving are hopelessly entangled, a Confusion Break is called. Whatever time necessary is allowed for the confusion to dissipate, and when necessary the cause for confusion is declared much like it is done with AOL. The RV process is then resumed with an iteration of the coordinate.

    Too Much Break ("TM Break"): When too much information is provided by the signal line all at once for the viewer to handle, a "Too Much Break" is called and written down (objectified), telling the system to slow down and supply information in order of importance. After the overload is dissipated, the viewer may resume from the break, normally with the reiteration of the coordinates. A too much break is often indicated by an overly elaborate ideogram or ideograms.

    Aesthetic Impact Break ("AI Break"): Will be discussed in conjunction with Stage III.

    AOL Drive Break (AOL-D Bk): This type of break becomes necessary when an AOL or related AOLs have overpowered the system and are "driving" the process (as evidenced by the recurrence of a specific AOL two or more times), producing nothing but spurious information.
    [10] Once the AOL-Drive is objectified, the break time taken will usually need to be longer than that for a normal AOL to allow the viewer to fully break contact and allow to dissipate the objectionable analytic loop.

    Bi-location Break (Bilo Bk): When the viewer perceives he is too much absorbed in and transferred to the site and cannot therefore appropriately debrief and objectify site information, or that he is too aware of and contained within the here-and-now of the remote viewing room, only weakly connected with the signal line, a Bilo break must be declared and objectified to allow the viewer to back out, and then get properly recoupled with the signal line again.


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©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: rv glossary b