Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


A | B | C-D-E | F-G | I-M | O-P-R-S | T-W


Objects: An object is a thing that can be seen or touched. "Objects" can be understood as those physical items present at the site that helped cause the cognitron to form in the viewer's mind and hence prompt his response of "religious;" i.e., "robes," "candles," "incense," etc.

Objectification: The act of physically saying out loud and writing down information. In this methodology, objectification serves several important functions. First, it allows the information derived from the signal line to be recorded and expelled from the system, freeing the viewer to receive further information and become better in tune with the signal line. Secondly, it makes the system independently aware that its contributions have been acknowledged and recorded. Thirdly, it allows re-input of the information into the system as necessary for further prompting. In effect, objectification "gives reality" to the signal line and the information it conveys. Finally, objectification allows non-signal line derived material (inclemencies, AOLs, etc.) that might otherwise clutter the system and mask valid signal line data to be expelled.


Perceptible: That which can be grasped mentally through the senses.

Prompt: To incite to move or to action; move or inspire by suggestion.


Remote Viewer: Often referred to in the text simply as "viewer," the remote viewer is a person who employs his mental faculties to perceive and obtain information to which he has no other access and of which he has no previous knowledge concerning persons, places, events, or objects separated from him by time, distance, or other intervening obstacles.

Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception.[1] A term coined by SRI-International[2] and defined as "the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding or time."[3]

Rendering: Version; translation (often highly detailed).


Self-Correcting Characteristic: The tendency of the ideogram to re-present itself if improperly or incompletely decoded. If at the iteration of the coordinate an ideogram is produced and then decoded with the wrong "A" & "B" components, or not completely decoded, upon the next iteration of the coordinate the same ideogram will appear, thereby informing the viewer that he has made an error somewhere in the procedure. On rare occasions, the ideogram will be re-presented even when it has been properly decoded. This almost inevitably occurs if the site is extremely uniform, such as the middle of an ocean, a sandy desert, glacier, etc., where nothing else but one single aspect is present.

Sense: Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which man perceives stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.

Sensory: Of or pertaining to the senses or sensations.

Signal: Something that incites into action; an immediate cause or impulse. In radio propagation theory, the carrier wave that is received by the radio or radar receiving set.

Signal Line: The hypothesized train of signals emanating from the Matrix (discussed below) and perceived by the remote viewer, which transports the information obtained through the remote viewing process.

Sketch: To draw the general outline without much detail; to describe the principle points (idea) of.

Subjects: "Subject" is defined as "something dealt with in a discussion, study, etc.," "Subjects" are emanations that might serve a nominative function in describing the site, or be abstract intangibles, or they could be more specific terms dealing with function, purpose, nature, activities, inhabitants, etc., of the site: in the above example, "reverence," "worship," "respect," "harmonious chanting," etc..


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©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: rv glossary o p r s