The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex, by W. Adam Mandelbaum
Book Description of "The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex", by W. Adam Mandelbaum: A former intelligence professional sheds new light on the obscure intersection of the military and the paranormal-the Military-Occult Complex-and reveals the incredible story of psychic abilities turned into a weapon of war by the world's soldiers and spies.
In the annals of military and espionage history there have been many strange tales to be told, but none can match the saga of psychic espionage-the history of the Military-Occult Complex. With the flavor of fiction, but the foundation of fact, The Psychic Battlefield is the complete history of the use of man's extrasensory powers in search of the information needed to win wars-hot and cold.
The Psychic Battlefield spans the five thousand-year history of ESPionage, from the attempted overthrow of the Pharaoh Rameses by magic to the CIA use of military-trained psychics during the Cold War. It is a story as true as it is incredible.
This book reveals the story of the sacred Templar skull; the Angelic communications of John Dee, intelligence agent of Queen Elizabeth I; the psychic stranglehold of Rasputin on the Romanovs; and the occult endeavors of the Nazis and the Soviets.
The Psychic Battlefield contains the names and rites of the old demons of war, contacted by military strategists in search of supernatural support. It explains and discusses different methods of divination used by armies throughout history, and reveals the various ways of making a soldier into a superman.
The cast of characters includes such noteworthy names as sorcerer-poet Aleister Crowley, author Ian Fleming, spoon-bending General Stubblebine, and Psychic Warrior David Morehouse. In addition, the book features an exclusive interview with top psychic spy Joseph McMoneagle.
Most remarkable of all is Mandelbaum's fascinating exposé of the paranormal research and remote viewing experiments conducted by the CIA, as well as the real effectiveness of the government's Stargate program.
Attorney, psychic, former intelligence professional and dark-side investigative reporter W. Adam Mandelbaum clearly demonstrates that the final frontier of future wars and spies is the mind. Stay tuned.
From Publishers Weekly: As far back as ancient Egypt, when King Nectanebus used magic and wax figurines to control the outcome of an upcoming battle, military leaders and heads of state have used virtually every magic trick in the occult book to influence the course of international relations. Bizarre as it may seem to those impatient with such things, the practice continues to the present day, with even the Pentagon and the CIA trying a hand at metaphysical warfare. In this work spanning 5,000 years, Mandelbaum--a former U.S. intelligence agent who claims to be a psychic--recounts the means by which various nations have pressed the supernatural world into military service. Some sections, such as that on the mystic Rasputin, mostly recount what has already been told many times over. Elsewhere, the material intrigues, if only by showing the extent to which government agencies have placed their faith in psychic phenomena. In one episode, Mandelbaum recounts that in the 1970s a U.S. government-employed psychic warned that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger would be attacked by Libyan assassins in Saudi Arabia, and that Kissinger's wife, Nancy, would be killed. The warning came while Kissinger was actually en route to Riyadh; the psychic was part of the secret Project Bluebird, which sought to read the mind of Libya's Muammar Khadafy. In response to the psychic's prediction, U.S. authorities had Kissinger whisked away