Lyn Buchanan
 vs. Gerald O'Donnell?

Lyn Buchanan vs. Gerald O'Donnell? --continued:

(click here for Part 1)

2) The same Major Ed Dames who is President of PSI TECH writes in his article "Will the real Lyn Buchanan please sit down" that Lyn Buchanan "does not want to publicly display his primary job title during his assignment: Data base manager. His secondary job was to maintain the unit's vehicles." ... "When I did allow Buchanan to work an operation, his pieces were small and few, because he was virtually ineffective." ... "I felt sorry for Lyn that he failed my training. He lacked the discipline to attend the rigorous protocols required to successfully prosecute an intelligence collection mission; he was not capable of leaving his ego behind during a training session."

Mr. Lyn Buchanan strongly suggested mistakenly on his web site for over three months that Mr. Gerald O'Donnell might very well be a certain Prof. Sean O'Donnell that teaches a course at the University College, Galway, Ireland. Finally, he detracted from this rash assumption only after receiving calls from Mr. Sean O'Donnell denying that he was the same person and after "carefully" studying Mr. Sean O'Donnell's material.

The question is: "Why didn't Mr. Lyn Buchanan remote view Mr. Gerald O'Donnell and at the very least succeed in remote viewing in which continent he resides! Or was it the names' similarities that threw him off?"

Mr. O'Donnell is not passing judgment on anyone else's training abilities. He does not claim that his methods of teaching are superior to anyone else's. He only knows that they are very effective.

"There are many roads that lead to Rome." This parable means that there are many ways to the ultimate destination (truth). All roads eventually lead to it.

One should always be weary of individuals or organizations that would like you to believe that they hold the key to the ultimate and only way to truth. This sense of egocentric self-righteousness is always destructive and carries with it the seeds of its eventual destruction. For Truth cannot bear having only one way leading to it.

Mr. O'Donnell will never claim that the method he teaches is the only way to achieve a cognitive trip. He knows too well that this would be a misstatement of facts. He only recognizes them as an effective attempt at bridging perceptual dimensions and expanding awareness. There is no method that is 100% effective, as ultimately there is no unique truth. One eventually learns that one eventually always reaches the destination, in an easier or harder way, and that the challenge is in the trip, so that truth is but in the trip and not the destination.


As Mr. Gerald O'Donnell had already explained before - and this is the central core to his course - the real and ultimate teacher is one's self. Oneself and not someone else. This is the most important realization that a successful remote viewer must reach. If that realization is not made his and not used, no further progress is possible. One remains stuck. What is really important is the teachings and not the teacher.

This is not an egocentric endeavor. To act otherwise and expect recognition would be to negate the intent of this course. The Academy of Remote Viewing's goal is to teach anyone to locate his/her awareness onto a point where ultimate remote viewing becomes possible. This is the gateway to one's true self. The level of knowing where all the knowledge is already there, all events are known, and all locations are within.
From that point on, one should only ask questions to oneself and watch the answer being given. The illusion of learning from others, other books, other material disappears, and one need not search further than Oneself.

Therefore to the question: "
Who is Mr. Gerald O'Donnell?", the answer should be that the question is wrong. The real question to be asked is: "What does Mr. Gerald O'Donnell try to teach?" And so it should be regarding anyone else.

From "Lyn Buchanan vs. Gerald O'Donnell?"
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©2001-2007 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

©1997 Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Article posted with permission of Mr. Gerald O'Donnell. File name: lyn buchanan