Lyn Buchanan
vs. Gerald O'Donnell?

An old article in answer to an article posted by Lyn Buchanan: Answer to another web site's claims about the identity of Gerald O'Donnell.

Mr. Gerald O'Donnell would like to post the following statements (Dec. 97):
For some months, innuendoes and misconceptions have been posted on another web site under the following title " Who is Mr. Gerald O'Donnell?" by a certain Mr. Lyn Buchanan who claims to have been a US remote viewer.

Mr. O'Donnell resents having to lower himself to petty arguments. He has always tried to go well beyond narrow-minded personality differences and ego-boosting devices. Nevertheless, he feels that after many repeated direct attempts to have the offending material removed and great patience on his part, the time has come to publicly set the record straight:

Mr. O'Donnell made it adamantly clear from the start of this site's first page that he was part of a Western European Remote viewing program and did not partake in any of the presently terminated US Government RV efforts.

Remote Viewing cannot be an active state of mind, since by definition it requires a passive state in order to be able to receive data.

In order to remote view, one has to get data from one's own thoughts, and not from outside stimuli. One therefore enters automatically an "altered state of consciousness". This correlates with increased alpha and theta brain wave tracings.

Theta and particularly deep theta are by far the best levels to remote view. An active beta (so-called awake) state precludes any remote viewing ability, since by the definition of beta one would then be concentrating on anything but his/her own internal thought and the data they carry.

CRV, as an acronym, was used by the US military for Coordinate Remote Viewing and not for Controlled Remote Viewing. All CRV meant was that real coordinates (longitude and latitude) or fake ones (random number) would be given in order to draw information from the collective unconscious when one was performing a remote viewing session.

One can
easily train using audio tapes, since as one closes one's eyes (preferred in order to shut down external input), they gently bring a subject onto a relaxed, introverted, state of mind. They can be listened to again and again, as often as needed, and one may train in a private setting without any fear of failure and/or ridicule.


Mr. O'Donnell strongly believes that any attempt at widely disseminating a crucial mind-expanding program such as remote viewing should be consequent and responsible. It cannot and certainly should not unduly overburden financially many interested parties to the tune of thousands of dollars, restricting therefore its availability to the most wealthy few and not necessarily to the most receptive and committed ones.

Since Mr. O'Donnell was part of a non-US RV program, he readily admits ignorance about many aspects of the US one. He therefore remains with many questions about it and cannot help but notice that:

1) Major Edward A. Dames - who according to most sources was the Operations and Training officer of the RV US Army unit which Lyn Buchanan claims to have been attached to - said on the US nationally syndicated Art Bell Radio show (March 6, 1997) when asked about Lynn Buchanan that "He (Lyn Buchanan) was my database manager at the unit. He was not a remote viewer. In fact, I attempted to train him, at his request. He did not complete the training course because he did not have the discipline to do that. And for him to claim that he was a remote viewer is tantamount to saying that an aircraft mechanic on a flight line is a pilot. He might be able to taxi the plane up and down the runway but he cannot take it off and he cannot find his way back..."

Lyn Buchanan vs. Gerald O'Donnell? (Part 2)

From "Lyn Buchanan vs. Gerald O'Donnell?"
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©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

©1997 Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Article posted with permission of Mr. Gerald O'Donnell. File name: lyn buchanan