Since Mr. O'Donnell was part of a non-US RV program, he readily admits ignorance about many aspects of the US one. He therefore remains with many questions about it and cannot help but notice that: 1) Major Edward A. Dames - who according to most sources was the Operations and Training officer of the RV US Army unit which Lyn Buchanan claims to have been attached to - said on the US nationally syndicated Art Bell Radio show (March 6, 1997) when asked about Lynn Buchanan that "He (Lyn Buchanan) was my database manager at the unit. He was not a remote viewer. In fact, I attempted to train him, at his request. He did not complete the training course because he did not have the discipline to do that. And for him to claim that he was a remote viewer is tantamount to saying that an aircraft mechanic on a flight line is a pilot. He might be able to taxi the plane up and down the runway but he cannot take it off and he cannot find his way back..." Lyn Buchanan vs. Gerald O'Donnell? (Part 2) |
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