Your world is a result of your influencing. The course is meant to open your eyes, your mind, and to make you realise that you are the King within your kingdom. So yes, when you make this shift in awareness, you will be able to change your world in a conscious way. And as more and more people will begin to change their worlds, we will influence the whole. You have read the book and so I take it you understand what I'm talking about here. Otherwise read again the part about the working of the matrix. Please, don't be afraid. We have been influencing our worlds from the moment we were born. All you are learning now, is to do it consciously. From being a victim of the dark matrix, you are now discovering the simple truth that you are the King of your kingdom. You could take the fact that this information is being revealed to you now, as a sign that your Being is ready to take this task on its shoulders. Not to crush you, but to make you ready to help lift this creation out of this dark matrix, and connect it to a better one. But ofcourse this is for you to choose. Nobody can or will make this choice for you. My remote viewing has improved much more since listening to RI, but I don't understand yet how RI applies to RV. I'm blocked, confused, and scared about RI but I don't know why. Remote Viewing can be used for different purposes. We can either use it to remote view events, places and even other people, in past, presence or future, within the matrix. Or we use it to remote view our Self. This is why some of us prefer to call this same ability remote intuiting. It is then not used for remote viewing 'targets', but to sense reality. To remote view the matrix itself, and beyond. This 'beyond' is the realm where remote influencing takes place. To answer your question, Tracy, by remote viewing this real reality, you can decide where to consciously remote influence your kingdom: Your Self. Click here for a Couple of Questions & Answers |
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