I feel like the only person living..."

A post to the old yahoo-group: Re: about RI tapes.
Fri Jun 7, 2002 11:59 pm

I'm sorry, it took me a while to sit down and take some time to answer your post.

    I'm enjoying the RI tapes (2) that have followed the booklet and
    have been listening to them for about 3 weeks. Has anyone received the last set of tapes yet? I'm still looking for them to come.

Nobody has received the last batch of the course yet, simply because it has not been sent out yet. And the reason why it has not been sent out yet, is... because it is still in the making.

I talked to Mr. O'Donnell a few days ago, and I understand that it is essential that at the time that he is actually recording the material he needs to be in a framework of deep joy, as to 'contaminate' us with that vibration while we listen. As Mr. O'Donnell went through a very hard time, these were not the ideal circumstances to do the recording. Our subconscious would have picked up the vibration of deep grief.

So please, be patient. We simply have to wait a bit longer. But I don't think it will be much longer, as he is back to recording the material for the last batch for some days now.

I can only feel gratitute to the fact that this kind of decisions are made with only the benefits of the students in mind. Delaying the production of the last batch of the RI course may NOT be the wisest decision from a commercial/marketing piont of view. But it most certainly shows once again that the main intent of the Academy is to empower its students to a level that will help them to change their reality to the benefit of All. And not just simply deliver the goodies because any delay might be bad for business.

One only has to look at the material that has been sent out sofar, to envision its potential powerful effects, and understand the responsibility involved in releasing such information. I hope the dark matrix will not come up with yet other attempts to sabotage the release of this important material.

    I'm still in a state of shock from the two first tapes. How does a person change his reality? Sometimes I feel like the only person living. When a person changes his reality, does it change everyone else's world?

The decision to send out the RI course in batches was mainly based on the idea that most students will need some time to integrate the info. It does indeed put the world 'as you know it' upside down. Our mind simply needs some time to be able to cope with this revelation of truth. The process of integration of the first two batches is therefore essential to be able to work with the third batch of the course.

The decision to send out the RI course in batches was mainly based on the idea that most students will need some time to integrate the info. It does indeed put the world 'as you know it' upside down. Our mind simply needs some time to be able to cope with this revelation of truth. The process of integration of the first two batches is therefore essential to be able to work with the third batch of the course.

It is really of utmost importance to integrate the material. The state of shock is a sign that you are not ready yet for the next batch. Please, don't rush. Sit down and read the book again. Make yourself comfortable with the info. Don't be afraid of it, there IS NOTHING to be afraid of.


Within your universe, yes, you are the only person 'living'. All you see around yourself is but a holographic presentation of our world. It is your holographic version of this world. Your universe, your kingdom. Some of the people you meet, live in their own universe. You meet a holographic presentation of their Being, and in their universe they meet a holographic presentation of your Being. It is not for us to decide who is alive and who is not. It doesn't matter. All that matters is how we perceive these 'others', and how we interact with them.

Your world is a result of your influencing. The course is meant to open your eyes, your mind, and to make you realise that you are the King within your kingdom. So yes, when you make this shift in awareness, you will be able to change your world in a conscious way. And as more and more people will begin to change their worlds, we will influence the whole. You have read the book and so I take it you understand what I'm talking about here. Otherwise read again the part about the working of the matrix.

Please, don't be afraid. We have been influencing our worlds from the moment we were born. All you are learning now, is to do it consciously. From being a victim of the dark matrix, you are now discovering the simple truth that you are the King of your kingdom. You could take the fact that this information is being revealed to you now, as a sign that your Being is ready to take this task on its shoulders. Not to crush you, but to make you ready to help lift this creation out of this dark matrix, and connect it to a better one. But ofcourse this is for you to choose. Nobody can or will make this choice for you.

    My remote viewing has improved much more since listening to RI, but I don't understand yet how RI applies to RV. I'm blocked, confused, and scared about RI but I don't know why.

    I hear about RI applied in the RV procces at the feedback stage. Can anyone explain why that is done?

Remote Viewing can be used for different purposes. We can either use it to remote view events, places and even other people, in past, presence or future, within the matrix. Or we use it to remote view our Self. This is why some of us prefer to call this same ability remote intuiting. It is then not used for remote viewing 'targets', but to sense reality. To remote view the matrix itself, and beyond. This 'beyond' is the realm where remote influencing takes place. To answer your question, Tracy, by remote viewing this real reality, you can decide where to consciously remote influence your kingdom: Your Self.

Just remember: Don't be afraid, take it at your own pace, and when you feel you are ready, take the next step on your path.

Fri Jun 7, 2002

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