The Hidden Messages in Water, by Masaru Emoto
From the Inside Flap of The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto: The Hidden Messages in Water introduces the revolutionary work of internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto, who discovered that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Since humans and the earth are composed mostly of water, his message is one of personal health, global environmental renewal, and a practical plan for peace that starts with each one of us. This book has the potential to profoundly transform your world view. Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health.
Book Description: The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto is an eye-opening theory showing how water is deeply connected to people's individual and collective consciousness. Drawing from his own research, scientific researcher, healer, and popular lecturer Dr. Masaru Emoto describes the ability of water to absorb, hold, and even retransmit human feelings and emotions. Using high-speed photography, he found that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward it. Music, visual images, words written on paper, and photographs also have an impact on the crystal structure. Emoto theorizes that since water has the ability to receive a wide range of frequencies, it can also reflect the universe in this manner. He found that water from clear springs and water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns, while polluted water and water exposed to negative thoughts forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors. Emoto believes that since people are 70 percent water, and the Earth is 70 percent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and goodwill.
From the Publisher: We are very pleased to be able to offer the first book published in the United States of Masaru Emoto's work. We are also gratified by the overwhelming reception to this book. We have received calls from people of all backgrounds and interest who are fascinated and inspired by his research with water. Masaru always says in his lectures that he did not have any special training that led to his discovery of what is hidden in water. He says that he is only one small man doing this work--that we all have this potential in us. We hope that his work allows you to see the possibility of what one person can do that can affect the rest of the world.We thank the film makers of "What the Bleep Do We Know?" for spreading the word about Masaru's work.Thank you also for your interest in Masaru Emoto's work and your support of Independent publishing. Cynthia Black, President, Beyond Words Publishing
From the Author: The Hidden Messages in Water has received the endorsements from the following doctors and authors: "Half of the earth is water; our body is three-quarters water. Water represents the interface between the 4th dimension in which we live and the 5th dimensional sphere of our soul. Many studies have shown subtle effects of healers upon hydrogen bonding and infrared absorption of water. None of these scientific studies can compare with the beauty and clear messages shown by Dr. Emoto's elegant work. The impact of thought and beauty has never before been demonstrated so well." C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association President, Holos University Graduate Seminary Author of 295 publications, including Sacred Healing