Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life, by Lynda Dahl
Book Description of Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life, by Lynda Dahl: In 1984 while a marketing manager with Apple Computer Lynda Dahl read her first metaphysical book by Jane Roberts and learned an astonishing lesson: Our lives are crafted from the fabric of our thoughts feelings and beliefs. The implications of the concept were so far-reaching Dahl decided to experiment with the idea. She set a goal of freedom for herself and decided money could buy her that freedom. Five years later she created a million dollars--and freedom. This book tells the real story about the structure that supports creation conscious or otherwise and how through her simple approaches and techniques Lynda Dahl helps set our feet on a path to freedom abundance and health.
From the backcover: "Discover Conscious Creation... And Take Control Of Your Life" "What shapes the events we encounter in life? what molds them into success or failure, health or illness, poverty or wealth? Fate, luck, happenstance? Or a deeper dynamics not yet understood by science? While a vice president in the computer industry, Lynda Dahl stumbled onto an astonshing message: Our lives are crafted from the fabric of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. What seems t happen to us is caused by us. By changing our beliefs, we literally redesign our lives into what we choose to experience. In Beyond the Winning Streak, Dahl shares her doubts, disillusionment and triumphs as she seeks to understand conscious creation... and ends up creating a million dollars. Through her simple step-by-step approach, Dahl sets our feet on the path to freedom, abundance and health." ©Lynda Dahl, 1992
About the Author: Working for companies such as Apple Computer, Lynda Dahl ended her corporate career as a vice president in the computer industry. She is listed in the Who's Who Registry of Global Business Leaders. She now writes and lectures extensively on consciousness and has appeared on countless radio and television programs. She is also the president and co-founder of Seth Network International. She lives in Eugene, Oregon. "A book that can help you reorder your thinking and create a new life." Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of Love, Medicine, and Miracles
"I highly recommend this book to anyone who is ready to take charge and consciously create the life they desire." Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life
"Excellent . . . evocative. Lynda Dahl helps us consciously focus our creative abilities as we grapple the mysteries of life." Robert F. Butts, Co-creator of the Seth/Jane Roberts books.
"If you have walked your own path of metaphysical self-discovery, you can certainly relate to Dahl's compelling story." Rochelle Gordon, editor of Body Mind Spirit.
"A wonderful book, written simply and clearly about letting go of self-imposed limitations." Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., author of Love is Letting Go of Fear.
"...for all those who found The Celestine Prophecy fascinating and yearned for something more step-by-step to help them implement the insights..." Willis Harman, Ph.D., President of Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of Global Mind Change.
"Excellent...evocative. Lynda's work helps us consciously focus on our creative journeys as we grapple with the mysteries of life." Robert F. Butts, Co-creator of the Seth/Jane Roberts books.
"Lynda Dahl has done one of those timely and extraordinary contributions to human potential and thought. It is a must read." F. Richard Schneider, Ph.D., Chancellor, University of Global Education; Co-founder, Radio for Peace International.
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