Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


D. Levels of Consciousness:

       1. Definitions:

           a. Subconscious: Existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness; affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness. The mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness.

           b. Subliminal: Existing or functioning outside the area of conscious awareness; influencing thought, feeling, or behavior in a manner unperceived by personal or subjective consciousness; designed to influence the mind on levels other than that of conscious awareness and especially by presentation too brief to be consciously perceived.

           c. Limen: The threshold of consciousness; the interface between the subconscious and conscious.

           d. Liminal: At the limen; verging on consciousness.

           e. Supraliminal: Above the limen; in the realm of conscious awareness.

           f. Conscious: Perceiving, apprehending, or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation; recognizing as something external. Present especially to the senses. Involving rational power, perception, and awareness. By definition, the "conscious" part of the human being is that portion of the human consciousness which is linked most closely to and limited by the material world.

           g. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): A part of the vertebrate nervous system that innervates smooth and cardiac muscle and glandular tissues, governs actions that are more or less automatic, and consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system (Webster's 3rd Int. Unabr.).

           h. Ideogram (I): The reflexive mark made on the paper as a result of the impingement of the signal on the autonomic nervous system and its subsequent transmittal through this system to the arm and hand muscles, which transfers it through the pen onto the paper.

           i. Analytic Overlay (AOL): Conscious subjective interpretation of signal line data, which may or may not be relevant to the site. (Discussed at length in STRUCTURE.)

           i. Automatic vs. Autonomic: Reception and movement of the signal line information through the viewer's system and into objectification is an autonomic process as opposed to an automatic one, which itself implies an action arising and subsiding entirely within the system rather than from without.

       2. Discussion:

       RV theory relies on a rather Freudian model of human consciousness levels. The lowest level of consciousness is paradoxically named the "unconscious." All this label really means is that that part of our mental processes we know as physical "awareness" or "consciousness" does not have access to what goes on there. It is apparently this part of the individual's psyche that first detects and receives the signal line. From here it is passed to the autonomic nervous system. When the signal line impinges on the ANS, the information is converted into a reflexive nervous response conducted through muscular channels controlled by the ANS. If so allowed, this response will manifest itself as an ideogram. At the same time, the signal is passed up through the subconscious, across the limen, and into the lower fringes of the consciousness. This is the highest state of consciousness from the standpoint of human material awareness. However, the normal waking consciousness poses certain problems for remote viewing, occasioned largely because of the linear, analytic thought processes which are societally enhanced and ingrained from our earliest stages of cognitive development. While extremely useful in a society relying heavily on quantitative data and technological development, such analytic thinking hampers remote viewing by the manufacture of what is known as "analytic overlay," or AOL. As the signal line surges up across the limen and into the threshold areas of consciousness, the mind's conscious analytic process feels duty-bound to assign coherence to what at first blush seems virtually incomprehensible data coming from an unaccustomed source. It must in other words make a "logical" assessment based on the impressions being received. Essentially, the mind jumps to one or a number of instantaneous conclusions about the incoming information without waiting for sufficient information to make an accurate judgement. This process is completely reflexive, and happens even when not desired by the individual involved. Instead of allowing wholistic "right-brain" processes (through which the signal line apparently manifests itself) to assemble a complete and accurate concept, untrained "left brain"-based analytic processes seize upon whatever bit of information seems most familiar and forms an AOL construct based on it.

For example, a viewer has been given the coordinates to a large, steel girder bridge. A flash of a complex, metal, manmade structure may impinge on the limenary regions of the viewer's mind, but so briefly that no coherent response can be made to it. The conscious mind, working at a much greater speed than the viewer expects, perceives bits and pieces such as angles, riveted girders, and a sense of being "roofed over" and paved, whereupon it suggests to the physical awareness of the viewer that the site is the outside of a large sports stadium. The "image" is of course wrong, but is at least composed of factual elements, though these have been combined by the viewer's over-eager analytical processes to form an erroneous conclusion.

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The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: theory consciousness