Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
E. Learning Theory
1. Definitions:
a. Overtraining: The state reached when the individual's learning system is over-saturated and is "burned out," analogous to a muscle that has been overworked and can no longer extend or contract until it is allowed to rest and rebuild fibers that have been broken down by the stress, or reinforce those that have been newly acquired by new demands placed upon the muscle.
b. Absorption: Assimilation, as by incorporation or by the digestive process.
c. Cognitron: A cognitron is an assemblage of neurons, linked together by interconnecting synapses, and which when stimulated by the mind's recall system produce a composite concept of their various subparts. Each neuron is charged with an element of the overall concept, which when combined with the elements of its fellow neurons produces the final concept which the cognitron represents. As a human learns new facts, skills or behaviors, neurons are connecting into new cognitrons, the connecting synapses of which are more and more reinforced with use.
d. Neuron: "A nerve cell with all its processes." The apparent fundamental physical building block of mental and nervous processes. Neurons are the basic element in the formation of cognitrons, and may be linked into varying configurations by the formation or rearrangement of synapse chains.
e. Synapse: The interstices between neurons over which nerve impulses must travel to carry information from the senses, organs, and muscles to the brain and back, and to conduct mental processes.
f. Learning Curve: The graphic representation of the standard success-to-session ratio of a remote viewer trainee. The typical curve demonstrates high success for the first one to a few attempts, a sudden and drastic drop in success, then a gradual improvement curve until a relatively high plateau is reached.
g. First-Time Effect: In any human activity or skill a phenomenon exists known as "beginner's luck." In remote viewing, this phenomenon is manifest as especially successful performance at the first attempt at psychic functioning, after which the success rate drops sharply, to be built up again gradually through further training. This effect is hypothesized to result from the initial excitation of hereditary but dormant psi-conducting neuronal channels which, when first stimulated by attempted psychoenergetic functioning "catch the analytic system off guard," as it were, allowing high-grade functioning with little other system interference. Once the initial novelty wears off, the analytic systems which have been trained for years to screen all mental functions attempt to account for and control the newly awakened neural pathways, thereby generating increasing amounts of masking "mental noise," or AOL.
h. Noise: The effect of the various types of overlay, inclemencies, etc. that serve to obscure or confuse the viewer's reception and accurate decoding of the signal line. Noise must be dealt with properly and in structure to allow the viewer to accurately recognize the difference between valid signal and his own incorrect internal processes.
2. Discussion:
Learning theory for RV methodology is governed by the idea that the student should "quit on a high point." Traditionally, the learning of a skill concentrates on rote repetition, reiterating the skill a large number of times until it is consistently performed correctly. Recent developments in learning theory which have been applied with particular success in sports training methodology indicate that the rote repetition concept tends more to reinforce incorrect performance as opposed to developing the proper behavior or skill. Much success has been realized by implementing the concept of "quitting on a high point." That is, when a skill or behavior has been executed correctly, taking an extended break from the training at that point allows the learning processes to "remember" the correct behavior by strengthening the neurological relays that have been established in the brain by the correct procedure.
The phenomenon of overtraining is a very real danger in the training cycle, generally brought about by pushing ahead with training until the learning system of the viewer is totally saturated and cannot absorb any more. This results in system collapse, which in effect is a total failure to function psychically at all. To avoid this, the normal practice has been to work an appropriate number of sessions a day (anywhere from one to several, depending on each individual trainee's capacity and level of training and experience) for a set number of days or weeks (also individually dependent), with a lay off period between training periods to allow time for assimilation or "absorption." Even with this precaution, overtraining can sometimes strike, and the only remedy becomes a total training layoff, then a gradual reintroduction. It is extremely important that the viewer inform the monitor when he is feeling especially good about his performance in remote viewing training, so that a training break may be initiated on this high point. To continue to push beyond this threatens a slide into overtraining.
It is very important that should the viewer in the course of the training session become aware that he has experienced some important "cognition" or understanding, or if the monitor perceives that this is the case, the session must here also be halted. This allows time both for the cognition to be fully matriculated into the viewer's system and for the accompanying elation of discovery to dissipate.
The fact that CRV methodology is arranged into six distinct stages implies that there is a learning progression from one stage to the next. To determine when a student viewer is ready to advance to the next stage, certain milestones are looked for. Though the peculiarities of each stage make certain of these criteria relevant only to that specific stage, general rules may still be outlined. When a viewer has consistently demonstrated control and replication of all pertinent stage elements and has operated "noise free" (i.e., properly handling AOL and other system distractions in structure) for five or six sessions, he is ready to write a stage summation essay and move on to the introductory lectures for the next stage.
Essay writing is an important part of the CRV training, and serves as a sort of intellectual "objectification" of the material learned. Through student essays the instructor is able to determine how thoroughly and accurately the student has internalized the concepts taught.
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