Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


B. Background:

       In early 1980, an SRI - International (SRI-I) subcontractor developed a training procedure known as Coordinate Remote Viewing to satisfy R&D demands on SRI-I to enhance the reliability (scientific replicability) of remote viewing (RV). The subcontractor's approach to improving the reliability of RV was to focus on the control of those factor that in his view tend to introduce "noise" into the RV product (imaginative, environmental, and interviewer overlays). The basic components of this training procedure consist of:

    (1)   Repeated site-address (geographic coordinate) presentation, with quick-reaction response by the remote viewing; coupled with a restrictive format for reporting perceived information (to minimize imaginative overlays).

    (2)   The use of a specially-designed, acoustic-tiled, relatively featureless, homogeneously-colored "viewing chamber" (to minimize environmental overlays).

    (3) The adoption of a strictly-prescribed, limited interviewer patter (to minimize interviewer overlays).

       The training procedure requires that the trainee learn a progressive, multi-stage acquisition process postulated to correspond to increased contact with the site. At present there are six "stages" of training. In general, these stages progress as follows:

    (1)   "Stage I" sites (islands, mountains, deserts, etc.).

    (2)   "Stage II" sites (sites of quality sensory value--sites which are uniquely describable through touch, taste, sound, color, or odor--such as glaciers, volcanoes, industrial plants, etc.).

    (3)   "Stage III" sites (sites possessing significant dimensional characteristics such as buildings, bridges, airfields, etc.).

    (4)   "Stage IV" sites for which the trainee begins to form qualitative mental percepts (technical area, military feeling, research, etc.).

    (5)   "Stage V" sites for which the trainee learns to "interrogate" qualitative mental percepts in an attempt to product analytical target descriptions (aircraft tracking radar, biomedical research facility, tank production plant, etc.).

    (6)   "Stage VI" sites which involve the trainee in direct, three-dimensional assessment and modeling of the site and/or the relationship of site elements to one another (airplanes inside one of three camouflaged hangars or a military compound with a command building, barracks, motor pool, and underground weapons storage area).

       The following document has been prepared to serve as a comprehensive explanation of the theory and mechanics of CRV as developed by SRI-I. It is intended for individuals who have no in-depth understanding of the technology and as a guide for future training programs. Particular attention should be paid to the glossary at the end of the document and to the terms as defined in the text, as they are the only acceptable definitions to be used when addressing the methodology presented.

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©2001-2007 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: introduction background