Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
A. Concept:
As will be explained in greater detail below, remote viewing theory postulates a non-material "Matrix" in which any and all information about any person, place or thing may be obtained through the agency of a hypothesized "signal line." The viewer psychically perceives and decodes this signal line and objectifies the information so obtained.
A remote viewing session consists of both the interaction of a remote viewer with the signal line, and the interaction between the viewer and the monitor. The monitor and viewer are generally seated at opposite ends of a table. The viewer has a pen and plenty of paper in front of him. The monitor observes the viewer, and determines when the viewer is ready to begin when the viewer places his pen on the left side of the paper in preparation to record the coordinates. The monitor then reads the coordinate, the viewer writes it, and the session proceeds from that point according to theory and methodology as discussed at length below.
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