RV Course tape 1
Side A
Listen 1x
Side B
Listen 1x
RV Course tape 2
If at any time while following the program, you feel you have difficulty to concentrate on the material presented in these Course (this could occur due to stress in your daily life, or by feeling overwhelmed by the material itself), you may want to listen to this tape as a refresher, which will help you relax, increase your vibratory rate, and get in touch again with your increasing psychic abilities.
Side A
Listen 3x, and also when needed as a refresher
Side B
Listen 3x, and also when needed as a refresher
The content of tape B is targeted at the very high level of your Higher Self, which is the level of your Soul. Therefore if you do not experience the Light while listening to RV Course tape 2 side A/B, don't worry about that. Your subconscious will be listening and will instruct its core (your Higher Self) to increase its rate of energy/vibrations. Realize that your Higher Consciousness operates from the interface with the "other side" as pure vibratory Light anyway. Doing the exercise in front of the Sun or in front of a light bulb with closed eyes is very helpful. Ancient Egyptian Initiates considered this exercise done while facing the sun, a highly energizing and efficient way of allowing the spirit to rise in vibrations. Also don't worry if you fall asleep while listening. Your subconscious is hearing every single word, and will emerge from the session when the command is given. By the time they have finished this special program, most students will be able to experience the Light once they go back to this tape.
RV course Tape 3
Side A
Listen 2 - 3x possible OOBE
Side B
Listen 2 - 3x
RI Course Book
At this point you will gain more benefits from the processes involved if you have read the RI Course Book once, whether you understand its contents fully or not, from beginning to end. Then read again and ponder it's meaning. Things will begin to make sense. After that continue the schedule.
RI Course tape 1
Side A
Listen at least 1x
Side B
Listen at least 1x
RI Course tape 2
Side A
Listen at least 1x
Side B
Listen at least 1x
RI Course tape 3
Side A
Listen 2 - 3x
Your brain circuitry will radically change preparing you to absorb instantaneous and decode large packets of information.
Side B
Listen 2 - 3x You become the Void
RI Course tape 4
Side A and side B
side A + B in one session, listen 2x
Here side A and B together form one session. This session will entrain you to reach deep Delta and beyond, and having to turn the tape around halfway the session would force you to emerge from this deep state. Therefore we strongly recommend to set your cassette player to auto-reverse. Older model cassette players (which can be found at electronic discount stores, flea markets or on the Internet) that use 2 batteries, are stronger and better than cheaply manufactured new ones. However: if you don't have the time to fit such a long session into your day, or if you don't have a cassette player with auto-reverse then don't let this stop you, and first do side A, then side B, and repeat this 2x (making for 3x each side).
RI Course tape 5
Manifesting tape.
Side A and side B
Side A + B in one session, listen 2x
Here side A and B together form one session. This session will entrain you to reach deep Delta and beyond, and having to turn the tape around halfway the session would force you to emerge from this deep state. Therefore we strongly recommend to set your cassette player to auto-reverse. However: if you don't have the time to fit such a long session into your day, or if you don't have a cassette player with auto-reverse then don't let this stop you, and first do side A, then side B, and repeat this 2x (making for 3x each side).
RV Course tape 4
Sensing the past and probable futures.
Side A
Listen 2x-3x
Side B
Listen 2x-3x
RV Course tape 5
RV protocols. Merging with Nature's vegetable kingdom.
Side A
Listen 2x-3x
Side B
Listen 2x-3x
RV Course tape 6
Merging with animals, and then merging with man.
Side A
Listen 2x-3x
Side B
Listen 2x-3x
RI Course tape 6
Creating a new self. Reprogramming the subconscious. Joining Feminine magnetic earth energy (Kunda-lini or Yin) to the Celestial Masculine (Yang) Electrical Energy and creating an impregnable protective shield around yourself. Manifesting from the level of the "inner Sun." Mystical Union of the "Bride" and the "Beloved."
Side A
Listen 2x-3x
Side B
Listen 2x
RI Course tape 7
Experiencing the "gap" and manifest from there. Becoming the "flame of Creation." Unification with the Womb.
Side A
Listen 2x-3x
Side B
Listen 2x-3x