Non-spiritual Remote Viewer! Part IV

"Psi Tech invites skeptics and encourages challenging questions. We present you with the real deal.. the same skill that was discovered and utilized in the Defense Intelligence Agency's remote viewing unit. A learned technology with no frills. One that, like language, anyone who applies himself/herself can learn effectively. The best remote viewers are the ones who remote view the most. There's no magic. It's that simple but the results can be mind boggling as everyone who comes though our doors discovers. Psi Tech's mission is to keep the technology pure and accessible and if that means knocking  charlatans down and stripping gurus of their robes, that is what we will do. You'll see, as we do, when you are on the side of truth there is nothing to lose and everything to gain".

I quite agree. There's no magic - except your own mind which can feel like very big magic when you find your own innate skills. Everyone can learn to RV. And knocking charlatans down - by all means. But your name shouldn't be mentioned in connection with such a "title". And if anyone, you of all people hate to be called a guru. You positively squirm with discomfort when someone tries to make you one. Here I quote one of your emails on this question: "If you meet a guru on the road, shoot him. Learn to be your own guru. Don't belittle yourself by saying it is not possible for you to be good enough. Don't give your own power away to someone else".

And interesting course description they have:

"In this program, you'll learn how to discover your personal Optimum Trajectory - which is your optimal path in life. Optimum Trajectories show us the direction that will enable us to be the  most fulfilled - and the happiest. Imagine that you have the ability to see your perfect future; a future where you're happy and  content; where life brings you meaning and fulfillment; a future where your dreams are made real. Now imagine you are able to see many paths before you, including the path you need to take to get to your perfect future. Once you learn the advanced TRV skill  of Personal Optimum Trajectories, knowing which path will lead you to your perfect future - is only a session away."

Sounds a lot like
ARVARI's Remote Influencing course to me. I like ARVARI's RI course very much. It doesn't concentrate on creating a "perfect future" only on the material level. You tackle the real issue - how to contact your own bigger potential, your Higher Self if you will. To reach a state where you know your very being creates your life around you. Then you learn how to create it willfully - and also to reach a state of mind where you look at the bigger picture. You see the forest from the trees so to speak, see where the road goes after the bend :-) And when it comes to saying it is only "a" session away - does this mean one session? I wouldn't put this skill so simply. Willfully creating your future means you have to deal with the core issue of You. Realize what exactly is blocking you from achieving what you want. And teaching you to recognize why you want it. Dealing with the blocks in a positive and loving way and keep doing this until the

change you wanted is there so your results are permanent. (If anything is permanent. As far as I know the only constant is change. There really is no permanent "perfect future" that would always remain so. This simply because you change. What was perfect for you 10 years ago is hardly what you'd describe as perfect to yourself today.)

Sure you can RV individual decisions one by one (search for gold and lost treasures as this other company puts it) but I prefer to home into the very end result and energize that through energizing myself. Let the little details take care of themselves. You teach this well. People have reported how their intuition has greatly increased as a result of your courses - up to a level where it has saved their lives even.

Is this RV? No, this is Remote Influencing (a nice term that you invented yourself, btw). Sure you could do individual short courses on "finding oil" or "win at gambling" (which again sounds to me as trying to "capitalize on the concept of remote viewing") but I prefer your approach: an overall course with methods you can apply to any goal you choose.

Well, enough of rambling here. I rarely get upset. Probably my Finnish character! However, this time this Co has gotten under my skin. You can publish this or not. You choice, but this is what my heart feels should be told now, in the name of truth. Not to settle a score. I send them all my love and wish for a prosperous and enlightening future. I have nothing against Psi Tech, short of the fact that their marketing methods seem to be dirty and I do not wish to deal with such companies.

Keep on
doing the good work. It is much appreciated, no matter what competitors say (And maybe you really should take that kind of slander as a compliment that you have made your mark!)

"You'll see, as we all  do, when you are on the side of truth there is nothing to lose and everything to gain".

Leena Pekkalainen

From Busted: Non-spiritual Remote Viewer! Part IV
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©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

©1997-2010 Gerald O'Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Article posted with permission of Mr. Gerald O'Donnell. File name: busted spiritual remote viewer part 4