change you wanted is there so your results are permanent. (If anything is permanent. As far as I know the only constant is change. There really is no permanent "perfect future" that would always remain so. This simply because you change. What was perfect for you 10 years ago is hardly what you'd describe as perfect to yourself today.) Is this RV? No, this is Remote Influencing (a nice term that you invented yourself, btw). Sure you could do individual short courses on "finding oil" or "win at gambling" (which again sounds to me as trying to "capitalize on the concept of remote viewing") but I prefer your approach: an overall course with methods you can apply to any goal you choose. Well, enough of rambling here. I rarely get upset. Probably my Finnish character! However, this time this Co has gotten under my skin. You can publish this or not. You choice, but this is what my heart feels should be told now, in the name of truth. Not to settle a score. I send them all my love and wish for a prosperous and enlightening future. I have nothing against Psi Tech, short of the fact that their marketing methods seem to be dirty and I do not wish to deal with such companies. Keep on doing the good work. It is much appreciated, no matter what competitors say (And maybe you really should take that kind of slander as a compliment that you have made your mark!) "You'll see, as we all do, when you are on the side of truth there is nothing to lose and everything to gain". Leena Pekkalainen From Busted: Non-spiritual Remote Viewer! Part IV |
©2001-2010 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. |