Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, by Courtney Brown
About "Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception" By Courtney Brown: Remote viewing is the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. The reality of the remote-viewing phenomenon is not in dispute among a large body of respected researchers � both inside and outside of academia � who have published an extensive collection of high-quality investigations over the past few decades. But profound mysteries remain. This volume breaks new ground by resolving some of remote-viewing's greatest enigmas. In these pages, new research and new theories explain why remote viewing works.
These investigations utilize remote-viewing methods that are derivative of those used for decades in well-documented U.S. government funded psi research sponsored by the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (D.I.A.). Filled with descriptions and analyses of highly original experiments, this volume presents evidence which identifies the mental mechanism that allows an individual to perceive and describe a distant target that is not accessible to the physical processes of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. Controlling for the behavioral characteristics of this mechanism now allows remote viewing to be performed with greatly improved reliability. This also leads to a better understanding of "associative remote viewing," a complex process that is required in any attempt to use remote viewing to predict numerical information, including stock market fluctuations and lottery numbers.
Crucially, here is an investigation into the fascinating characteristics of time using remote viewing as a tool of exploration, offering evidence that the past, present, and future truly exist simultaneously. The idea of differing future and past time lines is not just science fiction.
This research addresses the physics of psi functioning, integrating what we already know about cosmology and quantum mechanics with what we now know about remote viewing. Ultimately, this volume explains why all these new scientific revelations fundamentally affect our understanding of spirituality. The significance of the remote-viewing phenomenon to our understanding of human existence potentially rivals the significance of any previous discoveries in the history of science. This is "paradigm busting" science, and it seems destined to fundamentally challenge our most basic assumptions of the inner workings of physical reality.
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