Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
D. Discussion:
According to theory, as the viewer proceeds through the earlier Stages, his contact with the site is enhanced in quality and increased in extent. Stage VI involves the viewer in direct 3-dimensional modeling and assessment of the site and/or the relationship of Site "T" elements, one to another.
Stage VI may be engaged at several different junctures: after completion of Stage IV and/or Stage V. It can also be entered when Stage IV has stabilized, appropriate AI has been encountered and dealt with, and the viewer has become localized on a specific aspect of the site. Because Stage IV data is collected by "winking" around the site, thereby providing incongruent information, the stabilization/localization must occur prior to Stage VI. After the Stage IV "T" has been modeled, the session can proceed moving to Stage V or be continuing further with Stage VI.
Next: CRV-Manual STAGE VI > Session Mechanics
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