Note the arrangement of the prompters. First is written the word or concept being broken out. Directly under it is the particular category to be considered. Finally comes the word "emanations," followed by a question mark. This methodology was developed as the best means of directing a query into the neural "data storage area" of the subconscious without inadvertent "hinting," suggestion, or engagement of analytic processes. The word "emanations" represents the sub-elements or component parts of the "religious" cognitron which emerged from the subconscious as a collective concept for these sub-elements. Because it possesses the combined neural energy of the aforementioned components, during Stage IV the overall cognitron-concept is able to pass into the conscious awareness of the viewer with relative ease. The sub-elements themselves, however, have insufficient impetus to individually break unaided through the Liminal barrier into the consciousness of the viewer, and must intentionally be invoked through the Stage V process.
It is suspected that the most amount of information will probably be derived from attribute or topic categories, though at times both object and subject headings might provide significant volumes of information. If, as occasionally may happen, all four categories are prompted and no responses result, it can be supposed that one of two situations exist: the response being stage-fived is either already at its lowest form, or it is really AOL.
Next: CRV-Manual STAGE V > Implications
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