Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual
H. Movement/Movement Exercises:
An outgrowth of the viewer mobility concept involves the ability of the viewer to shift his focus from one site to other sites using a polar coordinate concept. This is often termed a "movement" or "movement exercise," and is executed thusly. The viewer is given the coordinates for the base site, and the session proceeds as normal: I/A/B, Stage IIs, dimensionals, AI to Stage III sketches/trackers. When the monitor is confident that the viewer has successfully locked onto this primary site, he tells the viewer to "prepare for movement." The viewer accordingly places his pen on the left side of the paper, indicating he is ready for a new prompting coordinate as per convention. The monitor then tells the viewer to acquire the central site. The viewer responds with a very brief, few-word description of the base site, whereupon the monitor gives a prompting statement in lieu of the usual geographic coordinate. This statement includes a distance and direction from the base site, and is couched in words as neutral, passive and non-suggestive (therefore less AOL-inducing) as possible.
By way of example, let us assume that the base site is a large grey structure, and the secondary site to which the viewer's focus is to be moved is 8 1/2 miles northwest of the base site. The monitor will say "Acquire the site," to which the viewer responds approximately, "A large grey structure." The monitor then says "8 1/2 miles (to the) northwest something should be visible." Just as he would a geographic coordinate, the viewer objectifies this phrase by writing it down, places his pen on the paper to receive the ideogram, and progresses from there just as if he were processing any other new site.
Note, however, the very neutral way the monitor provided the prompting. He avoided such leading words as, "What do you see 8 1/2 miles northwest?" or "You should be able to see (hear/feel/smell) something 8 1/2 miles northwest." Observe also that "motion words" ("move," "shift," "go," etc.) were also avoided. Words and phraseology of either type tends to cause the viewer to take an active role, directly attempting to perceive the site instead of letting the signal line bring the information to him. This sort of active involvement greatly encourages the development of AOL and other mental noise effects.
Instead, the passive wording used by the monitor stimulates the analytic component of the mind as little as possible, allowing uncontaminated signal line data to be received. Examples of acceptable passively framed words relating to sensory involvement are: "should be visible," "hearable," "smellable," "feelable," "tasteable," etc. In earlier stages sensory-based wording would have been avoided as a catalyst to AOL. With the widened aperture in Stage III, however it may be used successfully.
This movement technique may be used any number of times, starting either from the original base site, or from one of the other subsequent sites to which the viewer's perception has been "moved."
Next: CRV-Manual STAGE III > Analytic Overlay (AOL) in Stage III
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