Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


E. Aesthetic Impact:

         As the aperture widens rapidly from Stage II, a virtual avalanche of site information begins to impact on the viewer's unconscious. The cumulative effect of all this detail is to trigger a subjective response from the viewer. This opening of the aperture and subsequent subjective response is called Aesthetic Impact (AI) and is the viewer's subjective emotional response to the site. It is best described as "how the site makes the viewer feel." AI may immediately follow two Stage II dimensional responses, but it will certainly follow three or more. It may be experienced and expressed in a variety of ways. A simple exclamation of "Wow!" may be the AI response when one is suddenly impressed by the immensity of some natural formation, such as the Grand Canyon or Yosemite's Half Dome. On the other hand, such a site might just as easily spark a feeling of vertigo or fear of falling, or cause one to remark, ":This is really tall (or deep)!". A pulp mill might trigger an AI reaction of revulsion because of the nauseating smells. Or a comprehension of the grandeur or squalor of a site might cause one to have a sudden appreciate of beauty or ugliness. Other examples of AI might be claustrophobia, loneliness, fright, pleasantness, relaxation, enjoyment, etc.

         AI need not be pronounced to be present; in fact, it may often be quite subtle and difficult to recognize. It may sometimes be a sudden, mild cognitive recognition of the abrupt change in perspective, or a slight surprise or alteration of attitude about the site. Some viewers who in the past have had little experience with direct contact with their emotions may have difficulty recognizing that they experience AI, and may even be convinced it doesn't happen to them. Such individuals must exercise a great deal of caution not to sublimate or suppress AI recognition, and require additional exposure to AI to help them learn to recognize and declare it appropriately.

         The monitor also has a role to play in helping the viewer to recognize AI. Body language, eye movement, and specific speech patterns can all be cues to the experienced monitor that AI is present. The monitor must draw the viewer's attention to the existence of an undeclared AI when he observes the "symptoms" of an AI unrecognized by the viewer.

         It is extremely important to properly recognize and declare (objectify) AI, since how one deals with it can determine the entire course of the session from that point on. The viewer may not work through AI. Aesthetic Impact must be recognized, declared, and allowed to thoroughly dissipate. Should the viewer err and attempt to work through AI, all information from that point on will be colored by the subjective filter of the emotional experience encountered, and AOL Drive and AOL "Peacocking" (discussed under AOL, below) can be expected to arise.

         AI is dealt with in the following manner. Moving through Stage II, the viewer begins to debrief a cluster of two or more basic dimensionals. He suddenly realizes that the aperture is expanding, and that in conjunction he is having a subjective emotional reaction to the site--whether pronounced or mild. He then states aloud as he objectifies on his paper "AI Break." He then briefly says aloud and writes on the paper what the AI is. Declarations can be everything from a simple "Wow!" to "Disgusting!" to "I like this place" to "Vertigo" to "I feel sick" to "This is boring" to "I'm impressed by how tall this is" to "Absolutely massive!". The viewer by taking this "AI Break" effectively disengages himself temporarily from the signal line and allows the emotional response to dissipate. The time required for this can vary from a few brief seconds for a mild AI to hours for one that is especially emphatic.

         It is important to note that, though many sites elicit essentially the same response in every individual who remote views it, each person is different than every other and therefore under certain circumstances and with certain sites AI responses may differ significantly from viewer to viewer. One example of this that has frequently been related is a small sandy spit off of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. One viewer, a highly gregarious woman who enjoys social interactions, when given the site responded that it made her feel bleak, lonesome, depressed, abandoned. On the other hand, a viewer who had spent a great deal of his time in nature and away from large numbers of other humans experienced the site as beautiful and refreshing. Since AI is subjective, such variations are not unexpected, and under the right circumstances [are] usually appropriate.

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The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: stage III aestethic impact