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Matrix Revolutions Transcript Part 12
Technician: Commander Lock, I've got incoming! Lock: We got a dock full of incoming! Technician: Sorry sir, but this is different, sir. Lock: Meaning what? Technician: It went past that, sir. Lock: That's impossible. Technician: Holographics is trying to confirm, sir. Lock: Contact them, I want access codes. Technician: We tried sir, there's no response. Lock: It's a trick. That's not one of ours, it can't be. That's a mechanical line. No one can pilot a mechanical...
THE HAMMER Niobe: Four down, 30 degrees, 80 percent. Morpheus: 30 degrees 80. Niobe: Fore starboard, 60 degrees, 20 percent. Morpheus: 60 degrees. Niobe: Shit. Come on, keep up! Morpheus: I'm trying!
ZION COMMAND: Officer Mattis: Sir. Holographic confirms, it's the Hammer, sir. Lock: How can it be? Technician: The ship is under attack, sustaining heavy damage but under present velocity it will reach gate three in twelve minutes. Technician: Sir, their EMP can take out every sentinel out there. Lock: It can take out more than that, it'll wipe out our entire defense system. We blow the EMP system inside, they will lose the dock. Technician: Sir, we already lost the dock. Lock: Open the gate. Technician: Gate three not responding, taking critical damage, sir. We've lost control, we can't open it!
Niobe: On my mark. Give me full power 90 degrees, low left starboard. Morpheus: Full power, 90 degrees. Niobe: Now. Niobe: Come on, do it, baby... Roland: Oh damn, woman, you can drive. Niobe: We ain't home yet. What about the gate? Morpheus: Several sentinels inside the dock. Niobe: Are we too late?
ZION COMMAND: Lock: How many APU's in operation? Technician: 13, sir. Lock: Give me the one closest to gate 3.
ZION DOCK: Mifune: (roaring) Reload! Technician: It's pacing metal. Go! Mifune: Watch out! They're coming down. Kid: Eww! Mifune: Behind you! Kid: Jammed! Mifune: Forget it, kid, get out of here! Kid: Got it! Mifune: (roaring) Kid: Captain Mifune... Oh, no... Mifune: They're coming, they're coming...The Hammer... Kid: What? Mifune: You'll have to open that gate, cut the counter weights... You can do it... Hurry... there's no time... Kid: Captain, I haven't finnished the training program... Mifune: Neither did I... |
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