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Matrix Revolutions Transcript Part 13
Kid: Keep my weight forward. Light as a feather, as a feather...
ZION COMMAND: Technician: Commander. Holographic reports. Captain Mifune's UPA is up and moving to gate three.
SOMEWHERE IN THE ZION DOCK: Kid: Don't oversqueeze trigger... Hwoom... ZION COMMAND: Technician: Captain Mifune's APU has just reached gate three. Lock: How much time? Technician: Two minutes to impact. Lock: Captain Mifune, do you copy? Technician: Captain Mifune is down, sir. Lock: This is Lock. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can...
ZION DOCK: Lock's voice on the receiver: ...the Hammer is two minutes away. We have two minutes, Captain... to get that gate open. Zee: Link...
THE HAMMER Roland: Get to the main deck, charge the EMP!
ZION DOCK: Zee: Do it, kid. Kid: Neo, I believe.
Morpheus: Can we make it? Niobe: We ain't come this far... Link: Almost home, almost home... Morpheus: Burn it, Link! Morpheus: You did it... Niobe: No, we did it. Morpheus: you're one hell of a pilot. Niobe: Some things in this world never change. Morpheus: But some things do. Niobe: Luckily... some things do.
ZION DOCK: Zee: Link! Link: Zee...? Zee: Link! Link: Zee! Zee: I knew you'd come, I knew it... Link: I made a promise ... Zee: You did wear it... Link: You kidding?, I'm never gonna take it off...
ZION Lock: Three captains, one ship. I assume the other ships were lost under equally pointless circumstances? Niobe: Good to see you too, Jason. Lock: Council's waiting to hear an explanation. You'll forgive me for not attending, but I have to try to salvage this debacle. Roland: Did I miss something, Commander? I thought we just saved the dock. Lock: That's the problem with you people. You can't think five minutes in front of your face. That EMP knocked out almost every piece of hardware and every APU. If I were the machines, I would send every sentinel I had here right now. Saved the dock, captain? You've just handed it to them on a silver plate.
ZION COMMAND: Lock: Get that cable cut! I want that system back online. Technician: Commander, it's the dock. We've got incoming. Lock: Order everyone to fall back. Seal the shaft. Now. |
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