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Matrix Reloaded-Revolutions
Shadow Script Part 5


"It's muscle memory, Neo. Think of the space bar and your thumbs nail it. Because your thumbs have hit the space bar millions of times. But think about reverse 'ka,' and your fingers don't hit automatically hit the reverse key and the 'ka' key in one shot."


"Where did these symbols come from, anyway?"


"Most of it is from the old Japanese. It's Katakana. See, the machines aren't binary. No zero and one. They're quantum-based, so instead of an open-close base of zero or one, open or closed, they use all numbers between zero and one."


"All numbers between zero and one. That could be an infinite number of numbers."


"Not could be, it is."

NEO is astounded.


Holy shit. How many calculations per second?"


"How many CPS? Well, that's kind of hard to estimate. Put it this way: picture all the particles in the known universe. Not just atoms, but sub-atomic particles that compose atoms."


"OK. At last count that was what, a gazillion, right? Two gazillion?"

RAZOR barely smiles at the joke.


"Well, it's up there. In any case, the number of calculations per second the Matrix can perform is greater than the estimated number of particles in the known universe."




"That's how they have the operating power to create entire worlds within their PCs."


"OK. That's why it looks like reality. They have the computing power to create entire worlds."




"So, if we hack into the Matrix, why can't we just change the code while we're at it?"


"No, no. See, it's not that simple. The machines, the programs that code, create, and maintain the Matrix, the agents, they are code. There are different types of agents, many work unseen with no interaction in the matrix. Then, there are the enforcers, the ones we know all too well."



Hook yourself up with your PC
Hook yourself up with your PC


"Well, my point is, the machines code and recode the Matrix by pure will. Interaction with the Matrix, the physical act of being there, by default, allows people to change their environment - the Matrix. They move objects, make sound, affect cause."


"Like reality."


"Almost. Reality is unalterable. But the fabric of reality in the Matrix can be rewoven. Some can reach beyond normal cause. Their affects on the Matrix are deeper than average. They have learned to change it according to their needs. But they don't have total control. That's why we need operators like Razor here. But you, you go further than any of us can."



RAZOR stands and taps Neo's skull. He stretches, grabs a Japanese-style wooden sword, and, out of boredom, starts performing slow, precise Kendo moves around the main deck as he talks.


"The equipment you carry up here. You're a freak. A good freak. You're neural kinetics blast past those of average humans. This, combined with your ability to suspend disbelief, allow you to change the reality of the Matrix."


"How did I end up as… a freak?"

RAZOR practices the same strike a few times.


"Good question. The Machines create people through cloning, since, obviously, no coppertops have physical sex. Theoretically, all clones in the Matrix are exactly the same as when the first clones. They shouldn't be any different from normal, homegrowns."


"OK, so how do you explain me?"


"Not just you. Morpheus, myself. We were all born inside.


"Well, what separates us from others?"


"For the past 50 years or so, something has been happening to children in the Matrix. They've been mutating, changing in ways the machines never predicted. Some seem to gain faster reflexes and strength. Others seem to have psychic powers.

RAZOR looks up to see MORPHEUS, hanging back as he listens. He comes forward.


"And others are able to change the reality of the Matrix itself."

HE points to Neo.


"Discussing history, are we?"

RAZOR shakes his head.


"I'm trying to teach this fool some programming, man. He's stuck in the 20th century. He's got no skills, man. Without us, he's helpless."


"In the Matrix, without him, we're helpless."


"Morpheus, can you tell us what the mission is now?"


"Not until we reach broadcast depth. It's slow going out there. I guess they know we're coming back, so they're patrolling. We have time to rest and ready."

Remote Viewing] [Remote Influencing] [Biofeedback Technology] [Hypnosis]

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All material from the Matrix movie: Copyright © 1999 Warner Brothers All Rights Reserved.
The Matrix, Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and all related media, characters, and stories are Copyright © 1999-2007 AOL Time Warner and Village Roadshow Pictures.

© 2001-2008 N. Franken

For all Matrix Movie Transcripts: The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions,
Original Matrix Script and the Reloaded-Revolutions Shadow Script