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Matrix Reloaded-Revolutions
She takes one step in the air. For a breathless second, as she steps off the edge, she is stable. When she takes her foot off the edge, though, she sways, and her foot slips, as though she's on a greasy surface bobbing up and down. She corrects herself, tries another step, sags further.
SHE glances down, then locks eyes with NEO. Then drops like an anvil.
HE dives down, shooting like a missile. TRINITY is calm, falling backwards, watching NEO come for her. The rocky ground looms behind her. She makes no effort to reach for NEO as he draws close to her. HE reaches for her with all his might.
"Grab me!"
TRINITY makes no effort to save herself, even as collision is seconds away. She stares at him intently.
"Grab on to me!"
SEEING she is doing nothing, he goes beneath her and scoops her up, Superman style. He barely accomplishes this before he slows and settles onto the rocky ground.
They are in a twilight glade shaded by the mountains.
"What the hell were you doing?"
TRINITY smiles slightly. Her madness has a purpose.
"Showing you, Neo."
"Showing me what? You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"I want you to know how much faith I have in you."
"Oh. And this requires acts of insanity?"
TRINITY smiles. She looks him up and down. She moves intimately close.
"So, you really are Superman."
"Only when I'm plugged in."
TRINITY steps away. NEO grabs her shoulder and turns her to him. He attempts a kiss, but she turns her face, letting it land on her cheek.
TRINITY looks at him, then up at the sky.
"It's not you. Just, not here."
NEO doesn't understand. TRINITY rolls her eyes.
"They're watching us, you big dope. Do you know how horny computer geeks get?"
[Remote Viewing] [Remote Influencing] [Biofeedback Technology] [Hypnosis]
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All material from the Matrix movie: Copyright © 1999 Warner Brothers All Rights Reserved.
The Matrix, Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and all related media, characters, and stories are Copyright © 1999-2007 AOL Time Warner and Village Roadshow Pictures.
© 2001-2008 N. Franken
For all Matrix Movie Transcripts: The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions,
Original Matrix Script and the Reloaded-Revolutions Shadow Script