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Original MatriX Script Part 2
AGENT SMITH: No, Lieutenant, your men are dead. INT. CHASE HOTEL - The Big Cop flicks out his cuffs, the other cops holding a bead. They've done this a hundred times, they know they've got her, until the Big Cop reaches with the cuff and Trinity moves -- It almost doesn't register, so smooth and fast, inhumanly fast. The eye blinks and Trinity's palm snaps up and the nose explodes, blood erupting. The cop is dead before he begins to fall. And Trinity is moving again -- Seizing a wrist, misdirecting a gun, as a startled cop FIRES -- A head explodes. In blind panic, another airs his gun, the barrel, a fixed black hole -- And FIRES -- Trinity twists out of the way, the bullet missing as she reverses into a roundhouse kick, knocking the gun away. The cop begins to scream when a jump kick crushes his windpipe, killing the scream as he falls to the ground. She looks at the four bodies. TRINITY: Shit. EXT. CHASE HOTEL - Agent Brown enters the hotel, while Agent Smith heads for the alley. INT. CHASE HOTEL - Trinity is on the phone, pacing. The other end is answered. MAN (V.O.): Operator. TRINITY: Morpheus! The link was traced! I don't know how. MORPHEUS (V.O.): I know. Stay calm. TRINITY: Are there any agents? MORPHEUS (V.O.): Yes. TRINITY: Goddamnit! MORPHEUS (V.O.): You have to focus. There is a phone. Wells and Laxe. You can make it. She takes a deep breath, centering herself. TRINITY: All right -- MORPHEUS (V.O.): Go. She drops the phone. INT. HALL - She bursts out of the room as Agent Brown enters the hall, leading another unit of police. Trinity races to the opposite end, exiting through a broken window onto the fire escape. EXT. FIRE ESCAPE - In the alley below, Trinity sees Agent Smith staring at her. She can only go up. EXT. ROOF - On the roof, Trinity is running as Agent Brown rises over the parapet, leading the cops in pursuit. Trinity begins to jump from one roof to the next, her movements so clean, gliding in and out of each jump, contrasted to the wild jumps of the cops.
The cops slow, realizing they are about to see something ugly as Trinity drives at the edge, launching herself into the air. From above, the ground seems to flow beneath her as she hangs in flight Then hitting, somersaulting up, still running hard. COP: Motherfucker -- that's impossible! They stare, slack-jawed, as Agent Brown duplicates the move exactly, landing, rolling over a shoulder, up onto one knee. Just below the building are the rumbling tracks of riveted steel. The TRAIN SCREECHES beneath her, a rattling blur of gray metal. Trinity jumps, landing easily. She looks back just as Agent Brown hurls through the air barely reaching the last car. Agent Brown stands, yanking out a gun. Trinity is running hard as BULLETS WHISTLE past her head. Ahead she sees her only chance, 50 feet beyond the point where the train has begun to turn, there is -- A window; a yellow glow in the midst of a dark brick building. Trinity zeros in on it, running as hard as she can, her speed compounded by the train. The SCREAM of the STEEL rises as she nears the edge where the train rocks into the turn. Trinity hurtles into the empty night space, her body leveling into a dive. She falls, arms covering her head as -- The whole world seems to spin on its axis -- And she crashes with an EXPLOSION of GLASS and WOOD, then falls onto a back stairwell, tumbling, bouncing down stairs bleeding, broken -- But still alive. Through the smashed window, she glimpses Agent Brown, still on the train, his tie and coat whipping in the wind; stone-faced, he touches his ear piece as the train slides him past the window. Trinity tries to move. Everything hurts. TRINITY: Get up, Trinity. You're fine. Get up -- just get up! She stands and limps down the rest of the stairs. EXT. STREET - Trinity emerges from the shadows of an alley and, at the end of the block, in a pool of white street light, she sees it. The telephone booth. Obviously hurt, she starts down the concrete walk, focusing in completely, her pace quickening, as the PHONE begins to RING. Across the street, a garbage truck suddenly u-turns, its TIRES SCREAMING as it accelerates. Trinity sees the headlights on the truck arcing at the telephone booth as if taking aim. Gritting through the pain, she races the truck -- Slamming into the booth, the headlights blindingly bright, bearing down on the box of Plexiglas just as -- She answers the phone. There is a frozen instant of silence before the hulking mass of dark metal lurches up onto the sidewalk -- Barreling through the booth, bulldozing it into a brick wall, smashing it to Plexiglas pulp. After a moment, a black loafer steps down from the cab of the garbage truck. Agent Smith inspects the wreckage. There is no body. Trinity is gone. His jaw sets as he grinds his molars in frustration. AGENT JONES walks up behind him. |
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