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Original MatriX Script Part 3

    AGENT SMITH: Did you get anything from the room?

    AGENT JONES: Their next target. The name is Neo.

The handset of the pay phone lays on the ground, separated in the crash like a severed limb.

    AGENT SMITH: We'll need a search running.

    AGENT JONES: It's already begun.

We are SUCKED TOWARDS the mouthpiece of the phone, CLOSER and CLOSER, UNTIL the smooth gray plastic spreads out like a horizon and the small HOLES WIDEN until we fall through one -- Swallowed by the darkness that becomes -- A computer screen.

We are on-line, inside a chat room called "The Matrix." It is an exclusive web-site where hackers hang out.


    JACKON: I heard Morpheus has been on this board.

    SUPERASTIC: Morpheus doesn't even exist and the Matrix is nothing but an advertising gimmick 4 a new game.

    TIMAXE: All I want to know is Trinity really a girl?

    LODIII: 87% of all women on line are really men.

    QUARK: The Matrix is a euphemism for the government.

    SUPERASTIC: No, The Matrix is the system controlling our lives.

    TIMAXE: You mean MTV.

    SUPERASTIC: I mean Sega.


We drift back from the electric conversation entering --

INT. NEO'S APARTMENT - It is a studio apartment that seems overgrown with technology. Weed-like cables coil everywhere, duct-taped into thickets that wind up and around the legs of several desks. Table tops are filled with cannibalized equipment that lay open like an autopsied corpse.

We turn towards the center of this rat-nest of technology, following the slurping and crunching of cereal. We pass an open box of Capln Crunch as we find -- NEO, a younger man who knows more about living inside a computer than living outside one.

    NEO: Fuckin' idiots don't know shit.

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He finishes his cereal and is about to disconnect when an anonymous message slices onto the screen.


    SCREEN: Do you want to know what the Matrix is, Neo?

Neo is frozen when he reads his name.

    SUPERASTIC: Who said that?

    JACKON: Who's Neo?

    GIBSON: This is a private board.

    SCREEN: If you want to know, follow the white rabbit.


    NEO: What the hell...


    TIMAXE: Someone is hacking the hackers!

    FOS4: It's Morpheus!!!!!

    JACKON: Identify yourself.

    SCREEN: Knock, knock, Neo.

A chill runs down his spine and when someone KNOCKS on his door he almost jumps out of his chair. He looks at the door, then back at the computer but the message is gone.

He shakes his head, not completely sure what happened. Again, someone knocks. Cautiously, Neo approaches the door.

    VOICE (O.S.): Hey, Tommy-boy! You in there?

Recognizing the voice, he relaxes and opens it. ANTHONY, who lives down the hall, is standing outside with a group of friends.

    NEO: What do you want, Anthony?

    ANTHONY: I need your help, man. Desperate. They got me, man. The shackles of fascism.

He holds up the red notice that accompanies the Denver boot.

    NEO: You got the money this time?

He holds up two hundred dollars and Neo opens the door. Anthony's girlfriend, DUJOUR, stops in front of Neo.

    DUJOUR: You can really get that thing off, right now?

    ANTHONY: I told you, honey, he may look like just another geek but this here is all we got left standing between Big Brother and the New World Order.

EXT. STREET - A police officer unlocks a yellow metal boot from the wheel of an enormous Oldsmobile.

INT. NEO'S APARTMENT - They watch from the window as the cops, silently, robotically, climb into their van.

    ANTHONY: Look at 'em. Automatons. Don't think about what they're- doing or why. Computer tells 'em what to do and they do it.

    FRIEND #l: The banality of evil.

He slaps the money in Neo's hand.

    ANTHONY: Thanks, neighbor.

    DUJOUR: Why don't you come to the party with us?

    NEO: I don't know. I have to work tomorrow.

    DUJOUR: Come on. It'll be fun.

He looks up at her and suddenly notices on her black leather motorcycle jacket dozens of pins: bands, symbols, slogans, military medals and -- A small white rabbit.


    NEO: Yeah, yeah. Sure, I'll go.

INT. APARTMENT - An older Chicago apartment; a series of halls connects a chain of small high-ceilinged rooms lined with heavy casements. Smoke hangs like a veil, blurring the few lights there are. Dressed predominantly in black, people are everywhere, gathered in cliques around pieces of furniture like jungle cats around a tree.

Neo stands against a wall, alone, sipping from a bottle of beer, feeling completely out of place, he is about to leave when he notices a woman staring at him. The woman is Trinity. She walks straight up to him.

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All material from the Matrix movie: Copyright © 1999 Warner Brothers All Rights Reserved.
The Matrix, Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and all related media, characters, and stories are Copyright © 1999-2007 AOL Time Warner and Village Roadshow Pictures.

© 2001-2008 N. Franken

For all Matrix Movie Transcripts: The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions,
Original Matrix Script and the Reloaded-Revolutions Shadow Script