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Original MatriX Script Part 19
She picks up the tray of cooling cookies. ORACLE: You better take a cookie. Got a big day ahead of you. He eyes her, then takes a cookie. ORACLE: Make a believer out of you yet. INT. ANTECHAMBER (MATRIX) - DAY - Morpheus rises from a bench as the Priestess escorts Neo out. When they are alone, Morpheus puts his hand on Neo's shoulder. MORPHEUS: You don't have to tell me anything, Neo, because I already know what she said. NEO: You do? MORPHEUS: I brought you so that you could hear it for yourself. I knew it would help. Neo finishes his cookie. MORPHEUS: No one will ever ask you because it is a gift from her. It is for you and you alone. EXT. CITY STREET (MATRIX) - DAY - Storm clouds shroud the streets as the sky turns jaundice. TRINITY: Here they come. INT. MAIN DECK - In the hovercraft, we see the sweat rolling down Cypher's face and neck. Tank is typing rapidly at the keyboard. TANK: Weird. This area never has this much activity. EXT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE (MATRIX) - DAY - Apoc opens the side door and they enter the hotel. MOUSE: Welcome to Movie-Phone. TANK (V.O.): They're on their way. MOUSE: Right. The phone flips shut as he jumps up. MOUSE: Let's get to work. INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE (MATRIX) - DAY - Light filters down the throat of the building through a caged skylight at the top of the open elevator shaft. Four figures glide up the dark stairs that wind around the antique elevator.
NEO: Whoa. Deja vu. Those words stop the others dead in their tracks. TANK: Oh, shit! Oh, shit! INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE (MATRIX) - DAY - Trinity turns around, her face tight. TRINITY: What did you just say? NEO: Nothing. Just had a little deja vu. TRINITY: What happened? What did you see? NEO: A black cat went past us and then I saw another that looked just like it. TRINITY: How much like it? Was it the same cat? NEO: It might have been. I'm not sure. Trinity looks at Morpheus, who listens quietly to the rasping breath of the old building. NEO: What is it? TRINITY: A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something. She also listens as the staccato BEAT of HELICOPTER BLADES GROW ominously LOUDER. TANK: It's a trap! INT. STAIRCASE (MATRIX) - DAY - Morpheus looks up the stairs as a helicopter shadow passes over the clouded glass. MORPHEUS: Come on! INT. ROOM 1313 (MATRIX) - DAY - Cable goes to the draped windows. CABLE: Did you just feel something weird? MOUSE: Yeah... The CELLULAR RINGS. INT. BASEMENT (MATRIX) - DAY - Heavy bolt-cutters snap through the main phone cable. INT. ROOM 1313 (MATRIX) - DAY - Mouse answers the phone. MOUSE: What's going on? TANK (V.O.): They cut the hard-line! It's a trap! Get out! Cable yanks open the curtain. CABLE: Oh, no. The windows are bricked up. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - The door to the roof explodes open as heavily-armed men rush towards room 1313. INT. MAIN DECK - Tank watches helplessly. TANK: No, no, no. INT. ROOM 1313 (MATRIX) - DAY - The door slams open and the police force pours in, dozens of assault rifles surrounding Mouse and Cable who are armed with only handguns. CABLE: Morpheus! It's a trap -- INT. STAIRS (MATRIX) - DAY - Morpheus stops as the scream is drowned by the REPORT of MACHINE GUNS filling the building with a terrible fury. |
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