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Original MatriX Script Part 20
INT. MAIN DECK - Mouse's body thrashes against its harness as -- CYPHER: That's what they changed. We're trapped. There's no way out. The sound of heavy BOOT-STEPS close around them with the mechanical sureness of a vice. MORPHEUS: Give me your phone. TRINITY: They'll be able to track it. MORPHEUS: We have no choice. INT. MAIN DECK - Tank answers the call. MORPHEUS (V.O.): Tank, find a structural drawing of this building and find it fast. His fingers pound the keyboard. TANK: Got it. MORPHEUS (V.O.): I need the main wet-wall. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Agent Smith pauses, his hand going to his ear piece. TANK (V.O.): Now left and that's it in front of you. MORPHEUS: Good. He cuts off the phone. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Agent Smith hears the LINE CLICK dead. AGENT SMITH: Eighth floor. They're on the eighth floor. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Agent Brown hears Smith on his earphone. AGENT BROWN: Eighth floor! Move!
INT. ROOM 808 (MATRIX) - DAY - Several cops sweep through the room. It is empty. As they pass the bathroom, we see a man-sized hole smashed through the plaster and lathe. INT. WALL (MATRIX) - DAY - They are inside the main plumbing wall, slowly worming their way down the greasy, black stack pipes. Above them, light fills the hole they made to get inside. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Brown turns to Smith. AGENT BROWN: Where are they? INT. ROOM 608 (MATRIX) - DAY - The cops search in silence, straining for a clue, when one hears SOMETHING STRANGE near the bathroom. COP: They're in the walls! INT. WALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Neo pulls Cypher free just as the Cop OPENS FIRE -- BULLETS PUNCHING shafts of light like swords into the box of soot-black space. AGENT SMITH: Are orders that hard to follow? I'll say it again. Morpheus must be taken alive. Understand? INT. WALL (MATRIX) - DAY - They're almost falling, they're climbing so fast. Above them, plaster is smashed open as crumbling bits shower down on them, filling the crawlway with dust. AGENT SMITH: How like a rodent. INT. WALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Just below, a RIFLE-BUTT SMASHES open the WALL, light raking across the lathe. COP: I got him! I got him! Trinity finds her gun first. BULLET-HOLES POP out the WALL as she STRAFES the room, sending cops diving for cover. |
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