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Matrix Revolutions Transcript Part 1
AK: I got nothing' sir. No sign of Niobe or Ghost. Nothin' but blue pills. Should we jack in and try to contact them?
Roland: Won't matter. My gut says they're down.
Mauser: Then we should start back.
Roland: No. That ship can still fly and we need it.
Mauser: I was afraid you were going to say that.
Roland: Search every pipe, every hole, every crack we know. Sweep as wide as possible as fast as possible.
AK: Captain, these lines are crawling with calamari.
Roland: The sooner we find them the better.
Maggie: Any change?
Trinity: No. (pause) How is he?
Maggie: He's going to be fine, at least until he wakes up.
Trinity: What do you mean?
Maggie: Captain has some questions for him. He better have some good answers. You see these cuts? I think they're self-inflicted.
Trinity: Why?
Maggie: DDT's maybe. I don't know. But like I said, the answer better be good.
Morpheus: Roland, I'd like to run another search through the Matrix.
Roland: For what?
Morpheus: For Neo.
AK: How could he be in the Matrix, sir? He's not plugged in.
Morpheus: Please, for me.
Roland: (Nods)
Maggie: This is what keeps bothering me.
Trinity: What?
Maggie: His neural patterns don't read like someone who is in a coma. The strange this is I see these patterns all the time.
Trinity: Where?
Maggie: In someone jacked in.
AK: A big bupkus, nada. He's out of there.
Crewman 3: Sir, we got the projections.
Roland: How long?
Crewman 3: Based on point of entry and apparent speed, it looks like the machines will be in Zion in just under 20 hours.
AK: Jesus Christ.
Roland: All right, let's move with purpose. AK, get upstairs, I want you on holographics. Mauser, I want forward and aft guns manned at all times. Make sure we are running on as few pads as possible.
Crewman 3: Yes, sir.
Link: Hey, hey. We got a call. Operator. It's Seraph.
Seraph: I bring word from the Oracle. You must come at once.
Sati: Good morning.
Neo: Who are you?
Sati: My name is Sati, your name is Neo. My papa says you're not supposed to be here. He says you must be lost. Are you lost, Neo?
Neo: Where am I?
Sati: This is the Train Station.
Neo: This isn't the Matrix.
Sati: That's where the train goes. That's where we're going. But, you cannot go with us.
Neo: Why not?
Sati: He won't let you.
Neo: Who won't?
Sati: The Trainman. I don't like him. But my papa says we have to do what the Trainman says, or else he will leave us here forever and ever.