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Matrix Reloaded-Revolutions
Hook yourself up with your PC |
"Choi? Oh my God, I haven't seen you for months."
CHOI keeps looking around, making his way to the booth.
"Oh yeah, sorry about that."
SHE turns angry.
"Sorry about that? What kind of an asshole are you?"
TRINITY is looking around the corner. She pulls back into the alley.
"Casanova just ran into an old flame."
"No. Fuck you, Choi, you just think you can come and go when you please?"
CHOI is ignoring her now, walking straight for the phone booth as she is having a fit. Tears are welling in her enraged face.
"Choi, if you have one shred of decency, if you even care about me - "
Inexplicably, CHOI hangs his trench coat on the side of the booth. Standing behind it, he reaches around with his arm, keeping the coat between his body and the phone. The WOMAN doesn't even notice the web of gun harnesses and what looks like a ton of ammunition covering the inside of the jacket.
" - you'll tell me why you don't call, why you, you, what are you doing?"
"The jacket stops fragmentation. Sometimes they bomb the phones. Kiss me for luck."
HE grabs her to him and thrusts his mouth onto hers.
His hand grabs the phone. We hear the dialtone, and he mashes down one of the numbers of the keypad. The number tone rises in pitch to a crescendo. WE pull back and:
THE BOOTH EXPLODES. CHOI and the woman are bowled over by the flame.
They take cover from the blast as people all over the street are knocked flat.
THE PHONE BOOTH is obliterated. Miraculously, CHOI and the woman are still under the cover of the jacket. THROWING the smoking jacket off them, CHOI screams in agony as he grasps the smoldering stump of his right shoulder. The arm is history.
THE WOMAN looks on, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. Shaking, she falls back, still staring.
"You weren't lucky."
MORPHEUS, NIOBE, and TRINITY rush to him, picking him up on his feet. CHOI is screaming and laughing. Someone grabs his smoldering coat, dragging it along. CHOI stares at the ex-flame as they cart him away. His eyes are crazy.
"You still want me to call you? Ha ha ha!"
AS they struggle down the street, CHOI starts to walk more on his own. PEOPLE run from the scene, screaming.
[Remote Viewing] [Remote Influencing] [Biofeedback Technology] [Hypnosis]
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All material from the Matrix movie: Copyright © 1999 Warner Brothers All Rights Reserved.
The Matrix, Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and all related media, characters, and stories are Copyright © 1999-2007 AOL Time Warner and Village Roadshow Pictures.
© 2001-2008 N. Franken
For all Matrix Movie Transcripts: The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions,
Original Matrix Script and the Reloaded-Revolutions Shadow Script