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Matrix Reloaded Transcript Part 6
Merovingian: Oh God, my God, Persephone how could you do this, you betrayed me! Nom de Dieu de putain de bordel de saloperie de couille de merde! [Trans: Name of God of whore of brothel of filth of testicle of shit] Neo: Oh shit.
Link: Oh no, this is getting real ugly real fast. Morpheus: Are you watching this, Link? Link: Yes sir, there's an all-points on you, I make 8 units headed your way. Morpheus: Any suggestions? Link: Turn right. Morpheus: Right, now! Link: Now straight here, go through the next branch, you'll hit a connecting tunnel to the 101. Morpheus: Got it. Link: Sir, are you sure about this? The freeway, I mean. It's dangerous, in 14 years of operating, I've never seen... Morpheus: Link, what did I tell you? Link: Yes sir, I do, sir, Winsor[?] overpass, I'll be ready for you. Morpheus: Good man. Trinity: You always told me to stay off the freeway. Morpheus: Yes, that's true. Trinity: You said it was suicide. Morpheus: Then let us hope that I was wrong. Link: Operator. Niobe: Link, it's Niobe. We've been sent to bring you in. I need to talk to Morpheus. Link: Believe me, Niobe, he needs you. Niobe: Where is he? Link: Just follow the sirens. Cop: They're approaching [...] Agent Thompson: We have them now. Agent Johnson: The exile is the primary target. Morpheus: Move! Twin 1: We are getting aggravated. Twin 2: Yes we are. Morpheus: Trinity! Get him out of here. Trinity: Come on! Twin 2: Gotcha. Trinity: Morpheus. Link: He's okay, keep moving. Trinity: Let's go. Trinity: I need a download to hotwire a motorcycle. Link: Not a problem, one crash course in motorcycle... Trinity: Wait. Cancel that. [to Keymaker] You are handy. Jump on. Agent Johnson: She means nothing. Agent Thompson: Find the exile. Agent Johnson: We have them. Cop from Speaker: One Adam Twelve, please respond. Morpheus: Get down. Niobe: Gotcha. Link: She's good. Agent: You are no longer necessary. Keymaker: We do only what we're meant to do. Agent: Then you are meant for one more thing. Deletion. Niobe: Go kick his ass. Morpheus: Neo, if you're out there, I could use some help. Link: What is that? Link: Yess! [Zion Man] Sir. We have confirmation from the Icarus. The first two ships are in position for the counterattack. Lock: Good. Any change? [Zion Woman] Looks like they hit some iron ore here, slowed them down a little. Lock: How much? [Zion Woman]: An hour, maybe. Lock: That'd give them a little over 9 hours. [Zion Woman]: Yes sir. |
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