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Original MatriX Script Part 8
He inserts acupuncture-like needles into Neo's lower abdomen. The needles are wired to video monitors. Hacksaw pilots the fiber-optic lens. NEO: What are you doing? TRINITY: We think you're bugged. We can't take you to Morpheus until you're clean. GIZMO: There it is. On a monitor, we see the bug nestled in among Neols large intestines. GIZMO: Hit him with 10 ccs of local. Hacksaw loads a hypodermic needle and pumps an anesthetic around Neols navel. Using a device that looks like a miniature speculum, Gizmo inserts a knuckled dental pick. Typing into a calculator keypad wired to the pick, he automates the tip. On the monitor, we watch it telescope out and the end separate into a tiny hooked, metal claw. GIZMO: Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. The claw snags hold of the bug. GIZMO: Gotcha! But the bug reacts violently. Neo screams as it wraps itself around the soft tissue web of intestine. GIZMO: Shit. TRINITY: What's happening? GIZMO: I don't know. They've never done that before. Neo writhes in pain. GIZMO: Hold him down. NEO: Jesus! God! TRINITY: Do something! GIZMO: I got it! Maybe we can stun it. TRINITY: Are you crazy? That will kill him. We watch Neo, who can't see what they are talking about. GIZMO: It'll work. Come on, do it or Hacksaw will. NEO: Do what? The instant he hears the word, he knows. TRINITY: Clear. NEO: Oh, shit -- The cry is frozen in his mouth as the paddles hit his chest. Gizmo wrestles with the bug. GIZMO: Hit him again!
GIZMO: Got it! Trinity touches Neo, who is just beginning to breathe. She eases the tape off his eyes. TRINITY: Neo, are you okay? He nods. TRINITY: It's over. We got it. Hanging from the claw pick is the inanimate metal wiretap. GIZMO: Nasty little bugger, ain't it? INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - The van stops in a deserted alley behind a forgotten hotel. The doors open and Trinity helps Neo get out. TRINITY: Thanks for your help, Gizmo. GIZMO: I just hope the man knows what he's doing. She nods then climbs out of the van. Gizmo ogles the tight leather pants. GIZMO: Goddamn, what I wouldn't give for a copy of that software. Trinity turns around. TRINITY: Gizmo, you don't have the hardware to handle this software. He howls with adolescent laughter as the van pulls away. Trinity turns to Neo. TRINITY: Let's go. He's waiting. INT. HOTEL LAFAYETTE - It is a place of putrefying elegance, a rotting host of urban maggotry. Trinity leads Neo from the stairwell down the hall of the thirteenth floor. They stop outside room 1313. TRINITY: This is it. Neo can hear his own heart pounding. TRINITY: Let me give one piece of advice. Be honest. He knows more than you can possibly imagine. INT. ROOM 1313 - Across the room, a dark figure stares out the tall windows veiled with decaying lace. He turns and his smile lights up the room. MORPHEUS: At last. He wears a long black coat and his eyes are invisible behind circular mirrored glasses. He strides to Neo and they shake hands. MORPHEUS: Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. NEO: It's an honor. MORPHEUS: Please. Come. Sit. He nods to Trinity. MORPHEUS: Thank you, Trinity. She bows her head sharply and exits through a door to an adjacent room. They sit across from one another in cracked, burgundyleather chairs. MORPHEUS: I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole? NEO: You could say that. MORPHEUS: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. A smile, razor-thin, curls the corner of his lips. |
© 2001-2008 N. Franken |