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Original MatriX Script Part 27
AGENT JONES: Only human... Suddenly Agent Jones stops. Something is wrong. He scans the roof. Trinity is gone. Immediately, he whirls around and turns straight into the muzzle of her .45 -- Jammed right into his head. TRINITY: Dodge this, motherfucker! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The body flies back with a flash of mercurial light and when it hits the ground -- It is the pilot. Trinity helps Neo up. NEO: Thanks. TRINITY: You're hit -- NEO: I'm fine. Neo is already looking at the helicopter. NEO: Can you fly that thing? TRINITY: Not yet. She pulls out a cellular phone. INT. HOVERCRAFT - Tank is back at the controls. TANK: Operator. TRINITY (V.O.): Tank, I need a pilot program for a military M-109 helicopter. Tank is immediately searching the disk drawers. TRINITY (V.O.): Hurry! His fingers flash over the gleaming laser disks, finding one that he feeds into Trinityls supplement drive, punching the "load" commands on her keyboard. TRINITY: Let's go. INT. HALL (MATRIX) - DAY - Marines, trying to communicate with the men on the roof, are beginning to panic when Agent Jones comes around the corner. SERGEANT: Sir! Sir! There was gunfire -- we've lost communication with the roof! AGENT JONES: Remain at your posts. SERGEANT: But, sir -- the fire -- we should evacuate! AGENT JONES: You will do as you are ordered! SERGEANT: Yes, sir.
INT. PRESIDENTIAL SUITE (MATRIX) - DAY - Agent Jones throws open the bedroom door and enters, walking through the puddles pooling in the carpet. Over the RUSHING WATER and the ALARMS, Agent Smith hears a SOUND and understands the seriousness of the attack. He turns to the wall of windows as the helicopter drops INTO VIEW -- Neo is in the back bay, aiming the mounted .50 machine gun. AGENT SMITH: No. The GUN jumps and BULLETS EXPLODE through the WINDOW in a cacophony of CRASHING GLASS -- As the Agents go for their weapons. But Neo is too close, the .50 CALIBER too fast and BULLETS are everywhere, perforating the room. NEO: Get up, Morpheus! Get up! Morpheus sits unmoving, his head still down. Neo grabs the climbing rope just as marines burst into the adjoining room. He attaches only one end to his harness when they OPEN FIRE. AGENT SMITH: Nooo! He FIRES, sweeping across the sheet rocked wall in a perfect line. For an instant, we see the BULLETS SHRED, PUNCTURING the WALL, searing through the wet air with jet trails of chalk. NEO: He won't make it. Morpheus lunges, out of control -- As Neo spins, every move a whip crack -- Snapping the other rope-end onto a bolted bar. NEO: Gotcha! |
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