Remote Viewing: What It Is, Who Uses It and How to Do It, by Tim Rifat
From the back cover of "Remote Viewing: What It Is, Who Uses It and How to Do It", by Tim Rifat: Remote viewing is the ability to travel out of one's body to remote locations. Here, for the first time, scientist Tim Rifat reveals how the world's superpowers have used it for the last 50 years to spy on each other... and us.
At the height of the cold war, the Soviet Union and, later, the United States developed a new and terrible form of psychic warfare called psychotronics. This school of espionage included remote viewing, ESP and psychic spying, telepathic hypnosis and even remote killing. Remote Viewing not only charts the history of psychotronics, but, using previously classified US government documents, reveals specific incidents in which it has been used.
Tim Rifat has mastered the art of remote viewing. He provides scientific explanations for how it works and detailed instructions on how to learn the techniques. Remote viewing can be used by managers and workers to give them the edge over their competitors, as well as by the general reader to improve his or her mental powers.
Mastering remote viewing will open up worlds you never dreamed of. With remote viewing, anything is possible.
About the Author: Tim Rifat is an expert in psychic warfare and remote sensing. He runs Paranormal Management Systems, the only remote viewing training course in Europe, and has published many articles on psychic warfare and mind control.
Remote viewing is the ability to travel out of one's body to remote locations. Scientist Rifat, who has mastered the art, reveals how the world's superpowers have used remote viewing in psychic warfare for over 50 years to spy on each other ... and on us. Rifat provides scientific explanations and detailed instructions on how to learn the techniques of remote viewing.
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