Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual


D. Session Format and Mechanics:

         As the viewer produces Stage IV responses (generally single words that describe the concepts received via the signal line) they are entered in the matrix under their appropriate categories. The matrix is filled in left to right, going from the more sense-based Stage IIs and dimensional towards the ever more refined information to the right, and top to bottom, following the natural flow of the signal line. Stage IV information, similar to that of Stage II, comes to the viewer in clusters. Some particular aspect of the site will manifest itself, and the sub-elements pertaining to that aspect will occur relatively rapidly to the viewer in the general right-to-left and top-to-bottom pattern just described. Some degree of vertical spacing can be expected between such clusters, an indication that each of these clusters represents a specific portion of the site.

         Entries in a properly filled-in matrix will tend to move slantwise down the page from the upper left to lower right with some amount of moving back and forth from column to column. Stage IIs and dimensionals retain their importance in site definition, while AOLs and AIs, once they have been recognized and objectified as such, so not require a major interruption in the flow of the signal line as was the case in previous stages. In fact, AOLs now frequently become closely associated with the site and may lead directly to "AOL matching," or AOL/Signal, as it is categorized in the matrix and described above. EI tends to manifest itself comparatively more slowly than information in other categories. If people are present, for example, EI pertaining to them may be effectively retrieved by placing the pen in the EI column of the matrix. Several moments of subsequent waiting may then be required for the signal to build and deliver its available information. Tangibles will frequently produce immediate sketches or ideograms, which lead to yet more intimate contact with the signal line.

         Some degree of control over the order of information retrieval from the signal line can be exercised by the viewer, determined by which column he chooses to set his pen to paper. This acts as a prompting mechanism to induce the signal line to provide information pertinent to the column selected. For example, if more intangibles relating to the site are desired, the pen may be placed in the "I" column to induce the extraction of intangible information from the signal line.

         The Stage IV process can be very rapid, and care must be taken to accurately decode and record the data as it comes. However, if as sometimes happens the signal flow should slow, it is recommended that resting the pen on paper in the "EI" column may enhance retrieval of "EI" information, which in turn may potentially stimulate further signal line activity and acquisition.

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©2001-2007 N. Franken. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual - CRV Manual is public domain. File name: stage IV session